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Published January 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Bowling Green, Ohio. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

In general, the work consists of replacement of 5,200 feet of existing 6-inch, 8-inch, 10-inch and 12-inch sanitary sewer mains new manholes, lateral connections, and restoration of disturbed areas along Park Drive, Cora Street, East Main Street, and the allies north and south of South Street, located in McComb, Ohio. It also includes cured-in-place pipe rehabilitation of 390 feet of existing 10-inch sewer main along Park Drive. Technical questions regarding the project should be e-mailed to the Project Manager Theodore Bennett, P.E. at tbennett@jheng.com at Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd Neither Owner nor Engineer has any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of any bid documents obtained from any source other than the source indicated in these documents. Obtaining these documents from any other source(s) may result in obtaining incomplete and inaccurate information. Obtaining these documents from any source other than directly from the source listed herein may also result in failure to receive any addenda, corrections, or other revisions to these documents that may be issued. Bids must be submitted on the forms bound herein, must contain the names of every person or company interested therein, and shall be accompanied by either a Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond in the amount of 100% of the amount bid with satisfactory corporate surety, or by a certified check on a solvent bank in the amount of not less than 10% of the amount of the Bid, subject to conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Performance Bond and Maintenance and Guarantee Bond in the amount of 100% of the Bid. The Contractor shall be required to pay not less than the prevailing wage rates established by the federal Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations issued by the U.S. Department of Labor. This procurement is subject to the EPA policy of encouraging the participation of small business in rural areas (SBRAs).The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, waive irregularities in any Bid, and to accept any Bid which is deemed most favorable to the Owner. 1.3% of all contracts to MBEs and 1.0% of all contracts to WBEs. The Work will be substantially completed within 210 days. General Conditions within 240 days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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January 7, 2021

February 8, 2021


Multiple Locations, Bowling Green, OH

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McComb Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phase 1

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