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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Dodgeville, Wisconsin. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
As of January 11, 2024, a consultant has been awarded. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: Consultant shall provide all environmental and SHPO services for coordination and permitting of the CTH N (STH 133 to CTH NN) road rehabilitation project for compliance with the CDBG-Close program environmental requirements. The Consultant shall prepare the following project deliverables for the project: Survey field work sufficient to provide a Plan and Profile for the proposed corridor to serve as an exhibit for Citizen Participation and Involvement. The County has existing plan and profile information for the corridor for use in development. Plan and profile plan set for the corridor from the STH 133 intersection to the CTH NN intersection. Project will in essence raise the existing profile by approximately 6 inches. Provide cross sections at 100 foot intervals to identify areas where the roadway cross section slopes may need additional work to address incompatibilities with current design standards for county roads. Provide details for beam guard locations if warranted to address excessive safety concerns or additional cut/fill areas as warranted by the anticipated profile modifications. Project Number One is providing design engineering services, environmental permitting, and construction details for replacement of multiple culverts in 2021. The County anticipates to award as a Two Party Consultant Design Services Contract for all locations. Each location will be engineered and deliverables provided on an individual basis per location. The County will make determinations to either bid or perform the work on the basis of the completed designs; therefore, construction services and bid letting services will not be included in the proposal. Written responses will only be accepted from firms licensed to provide Engineering Services in the State of Wisconsin. Preference given to firms residing with office locations within fifty miles of the project sites. Preference given to firms which have been in business for a period of five (5) years or more. The proposer shall summarize their experience with designs similar in scope for the project types specifically listed above. Preferred responses will correlate project experience to the types of projects listed above as well. Consultant's specific relevant experience, cost of services, and schedule of completion will be major considerations for the basis of award. RFP #1 - it is anticipated half of the culvert designs will be completed by the end of April 2021 with the balance due by June 15, 2021. The County will assist with prioritization of workload upon Notice of Award, but it is anticipated to complete the structures located on CTH N, NN, and T prior to the end of April 2021. RFP #2 - it is anticipated the environmental process and permits will be substantially completed by June of 2021. It is anticipated the design will be mostly complete by the end of May 2021 for public meetings. An anticipated schedule or timeline of events is in the RFP information. The CDBG-Close program has placed specific deadlines on the county for a July 2021 construction start date. The County will rank the proposals received on the basis of the response to the following questions. If the response is on the basis of a joint venture, please identify the specific tasks to be performed by each party, provide an anticipated percentage of project cost share, and identify which firm will be the lead contact for the Contract. Please respond to the questions in writing in the format presented. Submit a written response for the proposed project scope - miscellaneous culvert replacements. The response shall be based on the following format (a maximum of 3 pages): Identify the specific staff your firm will assign to the project - 1 page allotted. Identify firm's office location for handling this project and identify which of the key staff report to that office. Provide Staff Qualifications for key personnel to include: Project Manager and/or Project Engineer. Hydrology Engineer. Surveyor. Identify any subcontractors who may be employed on the project. List similar projects your staff (as specifically identified above) have completed in the Southwest corner of the state specifically within Grant, Green, Iowa, or Lafayette Counties; or other relevant projects within WisDOT Southwest Region. Provide information or familiarity with the W-DNR Stormwater General Permit process along with your firm's experience with the process. Provide basic information to include project location, feature over, maintainer, and other unique information, which would identify the project and scope. For RFP #2, provide specific examples of projects you have environmental permit experience with related to the CDBG program. List other similar projects your staff are currently assigned to be working on and the approximate completion dates of the workload, which would identify staff availability for this project. - 1 page. List any special or unique considerations; which you anticipate for the design of the project(s), which would convey an understanding of the project scope and site conditions. Site specific or structural specific existing conditions which you identify might affect an ability to complete the project(s) on schedule or not. For RFP #2 - identify specific items, which may hamper an ability to meet the timelines presented herein - 1 page allotted. Provide a one page timeline in outline or bar graph format of the anticipated schedule your firm proposes to follow to complete the project; identify key points of completion to include but not be limited to: Base the timeline on the assumption of commencing after authorization of the Two-party Consultant Service Contract Agreement, which should be in place by February 1, 2021. Outline shall address the project as a whole and identify the starting point and completion (receipt of permits) for each location. Identify if any meetings are required to be held to perform the services. Major aspects of the work to be identified include: Survey Field Work. Hydraulic Analysis and Structure Selection completion date. Preliminary Design Submittal. Completion of Right of Way Plat, if deemed necessary. Final Submittal for W-DNR General Permit and County Floodplain Permit. Final Deliverables including final plans and bid summary sheets. Listing of subcontractors / subconsultants to be utilized: Extent of Services they will provide. Approximate percentage of the overall contract their services will represent. Contingency should be built into the timeline if anticipated - based on the specific conditions listed in item three above; which you feel could impact the timeline for completion of the design(s). Estimated cost of services based on a not-to-exceed figure for each location; then summarized for the project as a whole in the format as provided by the County - See the Culvert Design Bid Sheet. The County will pay any permit fees as required by either the W-DNR or County Zoning Offices. Upon review of the responses to the above listed question format, the County will select a firm(s) for awarding and negotiating Consultant Services Design Contract(s) for the project as presented. The County anticipates to award one contract for the project as a whole; however, the accelerated timeline and schedule of completion is important. The County reserves the right to award the project on the basis of two agreements (four locations per agreement) to expedite delivery of services for completion of all permits by the end of April 2021. The selected Consultant(s) will provide all necessary reports, prepare and submit all necessary applications and permits, prepare a right-of-way plat as necessary, descriptions, one page construction plans, and major bid item summary for the projects as presented. The County will review responses between the dates of January 18 and January 31; 2021. The County will announce an award for the project upon authorization of a Two-Party Agreement of the proposers standard format. The agreement for the project is anticipated to be completed and authorized by February 1, 2021. The County will consider all RFP's during the timeframe stated above, and contact respective consultants for any clarifications. All respondents will be notified after the authorization of an agreement with the preferred bidder. The ranking of consultants for this process may be retained for future consideration of other highway projects undertaken by the County during 2021. The CDBG-Close award may be delayed until receipt of the official project award from the State. The schedule for completion for the CDBG-Close project will be based on timeline form the issuance of a Two Party Agreement for services. Requests for clarification shall be submitted to the Iowa County Highway Commissioner, Craig E Hardy at the Highway Department office in Dodgeville (608) 935-3381 X605. All requests for clarification shall be submitted prior to 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday January 20, 2021. The County will respond to all respondents maintained on the Highway department listing by electronic data communication platform prior to 4:00 P.M. on Friday January 22, 2021. All interested parties shall notify the Highway Department; Sharon Olson, at (608) 935-3381 extension 604 of their intent to provide a written response. The Proposers list maintained by the Highway Department shall be the sole responsibility of the County to notify interested parties of changes, clarifications, or modifications to the Request for Proposal (RFP). Proposers shall also monitor the County RFP website for any addendums or revisions. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.
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