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Published December 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a bridge / tunnel in Nespelem, Washington. Conceptual plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel.

Per the owner, as of December 1, 2022, they did not award the construction contract for either project. The owner states that the The work window for these projects will be posted July 1, 2023. Closed solicitation has been included below for reference. .................. The Colville Confederated Tribes Anadromous Fisheries Division in a continued effort to rehabilitate habitat to benefit native salmonids has conducted topographic site surveys within reaches of two tributaries of the Okanogan River, Salmon and Loup Loup creeks. The surveys for these sites are included in this announcement; .pdf and .dwg files can be provided upon request. The objective of these surveys was to improve habitat for anadromous salmonids, specifically summer steelhead and spring Chinook salmon and reduce risk of negative impacts to adjacent properties and habitat downstream. The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (CTCR) Anadromous Fisheries Division is seeking proposals from qualified engineering firms to award engineering and design services contract to support salmon and steelhead habitat improvement projects on Salmon and Loup Loup creeks, tributaries to the Okanogan River in Okanogan County, Washington. The contract resulting from this request will cover the development of two or more conceptual design options for a stream reach which will optimize rearing habitat at base flow and reduce bank and surface erosion along the left bank within a reach in Salmon Creek. In addition the contract will identify an alternative drainage structure and design the proper installation on Loup Loup Creek to adequately pass peak flow, replacing an undersized culvert. The Colville Confederated Tribes intends to award the design contract to the highest quality bidder for the scope of work described in this RFP. The performance period for the awarded contract will be between the contract start date and June 1, 2021. (Extended to September 1, 2021, if providing oversight for project implementation on Salmon Creek) A site visit is not required. By submitting his/her proposal, the Contractor acknowledges that he/she has satisfied him/herself as to the nature of the work requested. Requests for interpretation/clarification of this RFP must be emailed to: Chris.Fisher@colvilletribes.com Unauthorized contact with other tribal employees regarding this RFP may result in disqualification. All oral communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on the Tribes. All questions must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., PST, February 9, 2021. Any contract negotiated in response to this RFP will require either a 25% retainage or a performance bond. Any contract awarded with a value greater than $100,000 will require a performance bond. The Tribes reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any minor informalities or irregularities contained in any proposal, and to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Tribes. The costs are undetermined at this time since the design has not been developed. As of January 25, 2021 this project is seeking proposals. The earliest an advertisement for an RFP for contractors would be summer of 2021. Depending upon the design, the project would be completed within 3 weeks.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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July 3, 2023


Multiple Locations, Nespelem, WA

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