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Published May 5, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in San Antonio, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a medical facility; and pre-engineered storage facility.

**As of May 5, 2021, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established. CMR Multiple Buildings Renovation & New Cold Storage Building San Antonio State Hospital. The Health and Human Services Commission ("HHSC" or "Owner") is soliciting proposals ("Proposals") for the selection of a Construction Manager-at-Risk ("CMR") to provide the following services: (i) pre-construction services, such as constructability guidance, cost estimates, site evaluations, and construction schedules; (ii) upon completion of the pre-construction phase, provide a Guaranteed Maximum Price ("GMP") at the election of HHSC; and (iii) perform complete construction services consistent with the construction manager-at-risk delivery process described in the attached draft contract between Owner and Construction Manager-at-Risk for Project, Building Renovations and New Warehouse San Antonio Hospital (the "Project"). If assistance is needed in preparing the HUB Subcontracting Plan, Respondents may contact Bob McCurdy at bob.mccurdy@hhs.texas.gov. Construction-Manager-at Risk (CMR) shall perform and coordinate all pre-construction and construction services for the following project as a single package or in multiple combination packages. Construction Part One: Facility Support Buildings - The breakdown of work is as follows: Maintenance Building 640 renovation work includes new layout for offices, new restrooms, showers, breakroom and staff area for lockers for increase staff and efficiency for long term operations. Shop area work includes new packaged paint booth with independent exhaust system located outside on existing slab; new dust collection system for wood working area, increasing ventilation and replacement of HVAC systems, radiant heat in the warehouse and electrical upgrades to meet code. Exterior improvements include drainage improvements to prevent flooding, new windows at office area and painting. Motor Pool Building 651 renovations include remodeling for new restrooms, showers, breakroom, personnel lockers, and grounds equipment storage area for increased staff and efficiency for ongoing operations. Shop area improvements to include installation of tire repair equipment, exhaust fans, HVAC and electrical upgrades. Upgrade car wash system, oil separator system at car wash bay drain. Add a canopy over fuel station delivery area. Exterior improvements include repair/replace deteriorating metal siding, doors and painting. Supplies Building 600 work includes exterior drainage improvements to prevent flooding. Repair/replace exterior barn style doors that do not shut properly due to building movement over the years and paint exterior. Contracting Warehouse Building 558 work includes the repair & renovation of the existing building; new roof, building envelope and foundation repairs, electrical and HVAC systems upgrades and interior renovations with ADA upgrades. However, based on recommendations from the building assessment a new 12,000 SF pre-engineered metal building to accommodate the existing warehouse functions on the campus at different location may be approved. HVAC Repair and Replacement - Work includes cleaning ductwork, and test and balancing HVAC systems in Buildings 509, 510, 520, 525, 598, 599, 601, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 652, 653, 654 and 655. HVAC repairs/replacement based on MEP assessment completed as part of this scope. Site Sewer Line Repairs/Replacement - Work includes working with civil engineer to provide investigation/video or otherwise as required at Buildings 509, 525, 647, and 648. Repairs/replacement as determined by assessment. Anti-Ligature Modifications for items as needed up to estimated $300,000.00 construction cost. Construction Part Two: Cold Storage Building Collaborate during design and then construct a cold storage building approximately 30,000 SF in size. The building will be designed to be hold an inventory of 1200-1500 food pallets (40"x48"), holding 50,000-61,000 cases, and to be maintained at temperature less than 10 degrees F. The building will have high pile storage with single stack. The Storage building will have a dedicated area designed to store the pharmaceutical vaccines at minus 60 degrees F. This will also include some refrigerated area (33-41 degrees F.) to store 13 pallets holding 750 cases average, space for storage of water in case of emergency, staging and holding area, refrigerated pick and pull space, covered dock space for a minimum of two trucks and office space for 6 people. COST OF WORK: Respondents should consider the "Cost of Work" for Part One to be $5,040,553.00, and for Parts One and Two combined to be $9,251,480.00. HUB Subcontracting Plans Due: Friday, 3/5/2021 by 10:30 A.M. Central Time. Anticipated Notice of Award 4/1/2021. Anticipated Contract Execution Date 4/29/2021.




Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, San Antonio, TX

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