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Published February 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Modesto, California. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Project was created to address the flow capacity deficiencies and aging infrastructure for the River Trunk. The realignment project has three phases: the gravity system is phase 2. It consists of over 9,000 linear feet of large diameter gravity sewer pipe, and adjacent water main rehabilitation on Colorado Avenue. The payment of Prevailing Wages is required on this project. Online Q&A No The work is generally located in City of Modesto and unincorporated Stanislaus County, CA in and near Tuolumne Boulevard, Colorado Avenue, and Garden Avenue The work in this contract includes three projects: a. City of Modesto: Re-Bid River Trunk Realignment - Gravity System Project: 1) This work is included in the Base Bid. b. City of Modesto: Re-Bid River Trunk Realignment - CSL Diversion Structure: 1) This work is included in the Base Bid. c. Stanislaus County: Sewer Collection System Project: 1) This work is included in the Bid Alternate 1. d. City of Modesto: Colorado Avenue Water Main Improvements Project 1) This work is included in the Base Bid The Work consists of constructing approximately 1.7 miles of new 42-inch to 60-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipeline, small diameter sewer collection pipelines, and smaller diameter potable water distribution pipelines, associated structures, and appurtenances at depths over 30 feet below the ground surface, replacing slides gates, and installing a biogas filter in the City of Modesto and unincorporated Stanislaus County, CA. New facilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Sanitary sewer pipelines that will flow by gravity including fiberglass reinforced polymer mortar and polyvinyl chloride pipe materials. 2. Sanitary sewer force main pipelines consisting of high density polyethylene. 3. Reinforced concrete junction structures and manholes along the new sanitary sewer pipeline alignment. 4. Electrical conduit and pull boxes generally running parallel to the new sanitary sewer pipelines for a future fiber optic cable. 5. Potable water distribution pipelines and appurtenances. 6. Removing and replacing roadway pavement and installing pavement striping. 7. New slide gates and an odor control structure. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work as shown in the Contract Documents. All incidental work not shown in the Contract Documents which is necessary to complete the work necessary to provide the system described, or shown, shall be furnished and installed as part of this contract at no additional cost to the City. C. Except as specifically noted otherwise, provide and pay for: 1. Insurance and bonds. 2. Labor, materials, and equipment. 3. Tools, equipment, and machinery required for construction The work shall be substantially completed within Three Hundred Seventy-Five (375) working days after the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Engineer & CM Field Office - 45 Calendar Days o Can Seg Diversion Structure Slide Gates - October 15, 2021 to July 1, 2022 o Can Seg Diversion Completion - July 1, 2022 o Substantial Completion: Within 375 Working Days o Final Completion*: Within 395 Working Days


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

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Multiple Locations, Modesto, CA

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Re-Bid - River Trunk Realignment Gravity System Project

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