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Site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Mason City, Iowa. Completed plans call for the construction of a 13,835-square-foot transportation facility; for site work for a transportation facility; and for paving for a transportation facility.
PN - 0021 M038.03, 121-027 The work generally consists of construction of a pre-engineered 13,835 SF hangar with associated mechanical, plumbing and electrical improvements, concrete paving and site restoration. Engineer's estimate of probable construction cost is between $1,200,000 and $1,400,000. Approximate project quantities include: o 13,835 SF Pre Engineering Hangar o 2,321 SY Subgrade Preparation o 761 SY PCC pavement with base o Erosion Control and Site Restoration After issuance of Notice to Proceed, contractor may commence work on the project. The Mason City Municipal Airport has established a construction schedule not to exceed 72 Calendar Days with a start date of May 16, 2022. All project work shall be completed within the stated timeframe. This project is subject to liquidated damages as prescribed within the project manual. The following phases are included within the Calendar Days noted above: o Phase 1: Complete within 72 Calendar Days; Bid security in the amount of Five percent of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. The successful bidder shall be required to provide performance and payment Bonds, each in the amount of 100 percent of the Contract Price. All proposals submitted in accordance with the instructions presented herein will be subject to evaluation. Bids may be held by the Airport Commission for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of conducting the bid evaluation. It is the intent of the Airport Commission, after a period of review and evaluation, to award the contract to the responsible bidder that submits the lowest responsive proposal, meeting the requirements of the technical specifications and supplemental Owner specific additions and clarifications. The right is reserved, as the Airport Commission may require, to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in the bids received. This project is subject to the following Federal provisions, statutes and regulations: TITLE VI SOLICITATION NOTICE The Airport Commission of the City of Mason City, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIREMENT 1. The Offeror's or Bidder's attention is called to the "Equal Opportunity Clause" and the "Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications" set forth herein. 2. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation, expressed in percentage terms for the contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: Timetables Goals for minority participation for each trade 2.0% Goals for female participation in each trade 6.9% These goals are applicable to all of the contractor's construction work (whether or not it is Federal or federallyassisted) performed in the covered area. If the contractor performs construction work in a geographical area located outside of the covered area, it shall apply the goals established for such geographical area where the work is actually performed. With regard to this second area, the Contractor also is subject to the goals for both its federally involved and non-federally involved construction. The contractor's compliance with the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4 shall be based on its implementation of the Equal Opportunity Clause, specific affirmative action obligations required by the specifications set forth in 41 CFR 60-4.3(a), and its efforts to meet the goals. The hours of minority and female employment and training shall be substantially uniform throughout the length of the contract, and in each trade, and the contractor shall make a good faith effort to employ minorities and women evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or female employees or trainees from contractor to contractor or from project to project, for the sole purpose of meeting the contractor's goals, shall be a violation of the contract, the Executive Order, and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4. Compliance with the goals will be measured against the total work hours performed. 3. The contractor shall provide written notification to the Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), within 10 working days of award of any construction subcontract in excess of $10,000 at any tier for construction work under the contract resulting from this solicitation. The notification shall list the name, address, and telephone number of the subcontractor; employer identification number of the subcontractor; estimated dollar amount of the subcontract; estimated starting and completion dates of subcontract; and the geographical area in which the subcontract is to be performed. 4. As used in this notice and in the contract resulting from this solicitation, the "covered area" is Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. Prohibition of Segregated Facilities - 41 CFR Part 60: Notice to Prospective Federally Assisted Construction Contractors 1. The Contractor agrees that it does not and will not maintain or provide for its employees any segregated facilities at any of its establishments, and that it does not and will not permit its employees to perform their services at any location under its control where segregated facilities are maintained. The Contractor agrees that a breach of this clause is a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in this contract.2. "Segregated facilities," as used in this clause, means any waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms and wash rooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing facilities provided for employees, that are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin because of written or oral policies or employee custom. The term does not include separate or single-user rest rooms or necessary dressing or sleeping areas provided to assure privacy between the sexes. 3. The Contractor shall include this clause in every subcontract and purchase order that is subject to the Equal Opportunity clause of this contract. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise - 49 CFR Part 26: The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of this DOT-assisted contracts. In accordance with 49 CFR Part 26.45, the sponsor has established a contract goal of 5.08 percent participation for small business concerns owned and controlled by certified socially and economically disadvantaged enterprise (DBE). The bidder shall make and document good faith efforts, as defined in Appendix A of 49 CFR Part 26, to meet this established goal. Davis-Bacon Requirements: (29 CFR Part 200 Appendix II(D) and 29 CFR Part 5): The Contractor is required to comply with wage and labor provisions and to pay minimum wages in accordance with the current schedule of wage rates established by the United States Department of Labor. Buy American Certification - 49 USC Part 50101: The contractor agrees to comply with 49 USC Part 50101, which provides that Federal funds may not be obligated unless all steel and manufactured goods used in AIP-funded projects are produced in the United States, unless FAA has issued a waiver for the product; the product is listed as an Excepted Article, material Or Supply in Federal Acquisition Regulation subpart 25.108; or is included in the FAA Nationwide Buy American Waivers Issued list. As a condition of bid responsiveness, Bidders must complete and submit as part of their proposal the enclosed Buy American certification. Bidder must indicate whether it intends to meet Buy American preferences by only installing steel and manufactured products produced with the United State of America; or if it intends to seek a permissible waiver to the Buy American requirements *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.
Transportation Terminals
Public - City
New Construction, Paving, Site Work
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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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IA-122, Mason City, IA
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