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Published September 9, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to an educational facility in Monroeville, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the addition of a educational facility; for the demolition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Bids shall be submitted for the following Prime Contracts: GMS-01 General Construction GMS-08 Food Service Equipment GMS-02 Sitework Construction Construction GMS-03 Curtain Walls, Storefronts, GMS-09 Theatrical Construction Windows, and Aluminum GMS-10 A uditorium Seating Entrances Construction Construction GMS-04 Flooring Construction GMS-11 Plumbing Construction GMS-05 Gym Flooring and Wood GMS-12 HVAC Construction Flooring Refinishing Construction GMS-13 Electrical Construction GMS-06 Lockers Construction GMS-14 Roofing Construction GMS-07 Painting Construction GMS-15 Asbestos Abatement Zoom based meetings also provide a listen only mode which will be available to the public to listen to the bid opening over a standard telephone. The information on how the public will connect to the Zoom bid opening will be posted on the Gateway School District website before the bid opening starts. Deposit may be refunded only upon receipt of a bona fide bid and the return of unmarked drawings and specifications to Accu-Copy Reprographics in good condition within Ten (10) days of bid opening . Additional sets may be purchased upon payment of the costs of reproduction and handling. A separate non-refundable check in the minimum estimated amount of Fifty Dollars ( $50.00 is required for each set to cover shipping and handling charges if mailing is requested. Drawings and specifications may also be purchased in PDF format for a non-refundable fee. Drawings and specifications may be viewed by visiting the Accu-Copy online plan room at https://planroom.accu-copy.com/jobs/public . Only bidders registered through Accu-Copy will be provided with addenda if any are issued. A certified check, bid bond, or a combination of both totaling an amount equal to Ten Percent (10%) of the total amount of the Base Bid PLUS any Add Alternates and made payable to the Gateway School District, must accompany each bid. The right to reject any or all bids, and/or to waive any informalities in the same, is reserved by the Gateway School District. The Gateway School District anticipates awarding Contracts within Thirty (30) days of the bid opening. No bona fide bids shall be altered or withdrawn for a period of Sixty (60) days after the bid opening. All bids shall be clearly marked with contractor name and Prime Contract number and name. Contractors bidding more than one Prime Contract shall provide each bid and all related documents in separate envelopes. Written questions will be accepted through Friday, April 9, 2021 at the office of the Construction Manager, The Foreman Group, 54 Halstead Blvd, Zelienople, PA 16063. Items which require clarification will be addressed by Addendum prior to the Bid date. Bid Result. General: Liokareas Construction Co. $15,914,000 Site: Murin & Murin, Inc. $830,000 Store front: Delrey Windows $1,626,110 Wood Flooring: Sports Floors, Inc. $141,165 Lockers: C.M. Eichenlaub Co $422,700 Painting: Nasoco LLC $383,000 Food Service: Trimark $410,519 Threatical: Pittsburgh Stage, Inc. $324,272 Aud Seating: C.M. Eichenlaub Co $129,365 Plumbing: Shipley Bro Plumbing $2,455,974 HVAC: Hranec Corp $2,330,000 Electrical:A1 Electric Service Inc $4,500,000 Roofing: Centimark Roofing $3,250,704 Asbestos: Hunt Valley Environmental $294,700




Public - City

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

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4450 Old William Penn Hwy, Monroeville, PA

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