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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Springfield, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Pavement Restoration Project Springfield Utility Board (SUB) seeks a contractor to excavate and remove existing asphalt, cold mix, rock and restore with new CDF backfill and asphalt to the attached Contract Documents. The total approximate tonnage of asphalt is provided in the Bid Schedule section. This work is Prevailing Wage as determined by BOLI. The successful bidding contractor is responsible for asphalt/cold mix/CDF/rock removal, compaction, CDF backfill, asphalt base lifts and testing, asphalt top lift and testing, polymerized crack sealing the joints, saw-cutting, temporary pavement markings and all traffic control. After the pavement and rock removal, surrounding subgrade inspection is required. City of Springfield and SUB Water staff will determine if the surrounding subgrade is suitable. If the surrounding subgrade is deemed NOT suitable, deficiencies must be corrected before paving.Please note that the City of Springfield requires that all asphalt paving for city streets meet the current regional paving requirement standards issued by Lane County Materials Lab. Approved mix will be verified with successful bidder prior to official bid award. Contractor is also responsible for crack sealing, sawcutting (final limits determined by SUB Water), traffic control and pavement markings Bids will not be received after this date and time. The instructions to bidders, specifications including all addendum, any required bonds and the completed price proposal must be submitted together prior to the time of opening of bids. Response shall be made on the enclosed forms. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. Proposals shall be signed by an officer or duly authorized representative of the bidder. Bidder is responsible for confirmation of delivery of offer. Bid Bond: If the Utility estimates the Public Improvement contract resulting from this bid will exceed $100,000.00, each bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond, cash, or a certified cashier's check upon a bank in good standing, payable to SUB, in an amount equal to at least ten (10%) percent of the total amount of the bid (OAR 137-049-0290). Such check shall be forfeited and become the property of SUB if the bidder fails or refuses to enter into a contract and furnish April 1 st, 2021 @ 2:00 pm 3 satisfactory bond within ten (10) days (weekends and holidays excepted) after notification that its bid has been accepted. The check accompanying the accepted bid will be retained until the contract is signed and the contract bond of the successful bidder is approved by SUB. Payment & Performance Bond: If the contract that results from this bid exceeds $100,000.00 the successful bidder shall furnish, as part of execution of the contract, a corporate Surety Payment and Performance Bond in an amount equal to the full amount of the contract (OAR 137- 049-0460). This bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract and upon payment of all persons supplying labor and materials for the construction of the work. The form and surety for the bond shall meet the approval of SUB and its attorney. Every Contractor and Subcontractor who works on a public works project subject to the prevailing wage rate law is required to file a $30,000 "Public Works Bond" with the Construction Contractor's Board (CCB), unless exempt, before starting any work. (ORS279C.836). This includes flagging and landscaping companies, temporary employment agencies, and sometimes sole proprietors. SUB reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights. The successful contractor will receive an intent to award on April 1st, 2021. If applicable, following SUB Board approval, as applicable, notification of award will be received on April 15th, 2021. The successful contractor shall complete all work under this proposal prior to May 15th, 2021. In lieu of liquidated damages, $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) per calendar day shall be charged to the Contractor in case of failure to meet said time limits of completion for the work. The Contractor must apply for any extension of time before the Contract completion date. This will be submitted in writing to the SUB Water Engineer and include reason for delay and new completion date. No extension of time will be granted for Saturday, Sunday, or holidays. The Engineer's decision of any extension of time or denial will be final. Extension will be granted due to weather if there aren't enough consecutive days to perform the work in the schedules.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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April 1, 2021

May 3, 2021


Multiple Locations, Springfield, OR

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