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Published June 29, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a civil project in Charlotte, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of 6/28/2021 project was already awarded for $2,921,814.50. The Project consists of work in multiple process areas as follows: Replacement of the roof and HVAC equipment at the Administration building. Modifications to the existing grit removal chamber at the flow equalization facilities to include a 7- foot Parshall flume. Spot concrete, sealant, and pavement repairs at the flow equalization facilities. Installation of a third mechanical bar screen in the existing Influent Pump Station. The new mechanical screen is pre-purchased by the Owner. The Contractor will administer submittals and handle receipt, installation, startup, testing, and commissioning. Installation of a new eductor system on all the Influent pumps to automatically vent the pump casings. Modifications to the 18-inch discharge piping of two influent pumps. Installation of a new process analyzer (Chemscan) near the Aeration Basins. The analyzer equipment, FRP enclosure, and sample pumps are pre-purchased by the Owner. The Contractor will administer submittals and handle receipt, installation, startup, testing, and commissioning. Modifications to the plant's effluent piping (42 and 30 inches in diameter) including replacement of a flowmeter vault with a new vault. The new meter will be provided by the Owner. This work will require bypass pumping. Replacement of the roof and select HVAC equipment at the Old Chlorine Building (Additive Alternate 1). The City provides equal opportunity and encourages small business participation in contracts. The MSBE goal for this project has been set at 5%. Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with Article 8 of the Instructions to Bidders. For questions please contact George Anipsitakis, Brown and Caldwell GAnipsitakis@BrwnCald.com This project contains sensitive information as defined by Charlotte Water. Therefore, all companies (i.e. General Contractors, Electrical Subcontractors, vendors, equipment manufacturers, etc.) interested in Bidding on this Project must complete and submit an Information Security Agreement. Deadline for Questions: April 22, 2021 North Carolina laws and regulations apply. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

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April 29, 2021

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4000 Westmont Dr, Charlotte, NC

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