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Site work and paving for a civil project in Pendleton, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The Contractor shall install a 16" water main on SW Houtama Road from the east entrance of SW Riverview Drive to the new well house location near the waste water treatment plant. There will be two existing 8" water lines, one at the east entrance of SW Riverview Drive and the second at the west entrance of SW Riverview Drive, that will be connected into the new 16" water main. At each of the 8" connections to the new 16" main areas, the contractor will remove an 8" and 16" butterfly valve and 16"x8"x16" tee or a 8" butterfly valve and 8" cap, and replace the valves with one 8" and one 16" gate valve and a new 16"x8"x16" tee. The Contractor shall install 4,170-ft of 16" C-905 or Class 50 DI with assorted ductile iron fittings. The City will tap the water main for 1 - 1" water service, however, the Contractor will be required to dig and backfill trenches and must coordinate with City crews to install the service. The Contractor will install 3 fire hydrant assemblies and 2 air release valve. The City of Pendleton did exploratory potholing to determine the approximate depth of rock that would be considered rock excavation and would require equipment such as 330 class excavator or larger, D-8 Caterpillar dozer with rippers, or a rock saw to fragment and excavate the rock. The approximate rock depth information can be viewed in the drawing sheets for this project. Based on the potholing information, the City is estimating approximately 1,040 CY of rock excavation. Engineer's estimate: $1,196,169.25 (subject to change) Each Bid Proposal must be submitted on the prescribed form (Section 5.00) accompanied by a certified or cashier's check drawn from an Oregon Bank in good standing, or banks doing business in Oregon in good standing, or a Bid Bond issued by a surety company authorized to issue such bonds in the State of Oregon, payable to the City of Pendleton, Oregon, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the Bid submitted The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond for faithful performance of the contract in the full amount of the contract price. In addition to required performance bonds which may be used for unpaid wages, all contractors, subcontractors and non-construction companies working on public works projects, with a contract price that exceeds $100,000, subject to the Prevailing Wage Rate law must file a $30,000 Public Works Bond with the Construction Contractor's Board before starting work on the project, unless exempt, to be used exclusively for unpaid wages determined to be due by BOLI Bid documents will be available until 5:00 pm, April 29, 2022.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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SW Houtama Road, Pendleton, OR

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