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Renovation of an educational facility in Santa Clarita, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.
The Project includes, without limitation, furnishing all necessary labor, materials, equipment and other incidental and appurtenant work necessary to satisfactorily complete the Work as more specifically described in the Contract Documents. The work will be performed in strict conformance with the Contract Documents, permits from regulatory agencies with jurisdiction and applicable regulations, and includes the exterior painting as outlined in Exhibit A of the Project Manual. CONTRACTOR LICENSE: To bid on this Project, the Bidder is required to possess one or more of the following State of California contractors' license(s): A, B, C-33 SITE AVAILABILITY: At the discretion of the District, the project may require phasing so existing campus can continue without interruption. All bids are to be dropped off in person. No electronic files or mail of any kind, including but not limited to overnight, FedEx, UPS, will be accepted. The bids are to be dropped off in the red mailbox outside the district office. The mailbox will be on outside of the District's double entry doors. The mailbox will be there on the day of the bid opening from 8:00 am - to the time of the bid opening. There will be no District personnel there to assist with the bid drop off. The bids will be collected at the bid opening time - late bids will not be accepted. The bids will be opened inside the District Office. Prospective bidders will remain outside of the District Office. PREQUALIFICATIONS: Prequalification pursuant to the Public Contract Code Section 20111.6 is required in connection with the Project. The Instructions to Bidders describes the prequalification requirement in more detail. Contractors are to prequalify through Quality Bidders as a prime contractor. The District must receive a contractor's completed prequalification approval through Quality Bidders, fifteen (15) days prior to bid opening date. REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION: If any error, omission, ambiguity, or conflict in the Plans or Specifications is discovered, Contractor is required to notify the District Representative (Peter Gaytan, Facilities Dept. Manager, for written clarification such that it is received no later than Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 9:00AM. Indicate the Project and Bid number in your request for clarification. Contractors are directed to not contact any other person with inquiries regarding this bid. AWARD: The District shall award the Contract, if it awards it at all, to the lowest responsive responsible bidder based on: A. The sum of the base bid amount, District Contingency, unit costs and alternatives, if any. B. After the selection of the low bidder the District may or may not include in the award any or all of the alternatives and unit costs. BID ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION: The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or waive any irregularity in any bid received. If the District awards the Contract, the security of unsuccessful bidder(s) shall be returned within sixty (60) days from the time the award is made. Unless otherwise required by law, no bidder may withdraw its bid for ninety (90) days after the date of the bid opening. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: Liquidated damages shall accrue in the amount of $1,000.00 assessment for each day that Work remains incomplete beyond the Project completion deadline specified in the Contract Documents. REQUIRED FORMS FOR BIDDING: Other forms will be required prior to bidding and/or prior to Award as further described in the Instructions to Bidders BONDS: A bid bond by an admitted surety insurer on the form provided by the District, cash, or a cashier's check or a certified check, drawn to the order of the Saugus Union School District, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid price, shall accompany the Bid Form and Proposal, as a guarantee that the Bidder will, within seven (7) calendar days after the date of the Notice of Award, enter into a contract with the District for the performance of the services as stipulated in the bid. The successful Bidder shall also be required to furnish a 100% Performance Bond and a 100% Payment Bond, Builder's Risk Insurance if it is awarded the contract for the Work.
Public - City
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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June 8, 2021
June 29, 2021
28360 Alfred Way, Santa Clarita, CA
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