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Saving Project...

Published August 4, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Dieppe, New Brunswick. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The work to be done under this contract will consist of the supplying of all materials, labor, supervision, construction plant, equipment, etc., necessary for the completion of the work that consists of: - Partial Milling (50mm depth) of the existing asphalt on Dieppe Blvd. from Canaan Dr. to Marathon Cr. as shown in the Contract Documents. - Re-instate or repair identified sections of concrete curb. - Relocation of curb and catch basin at Lakeburn Intersection. - Repair to identified catch basins. - Partial and Full Depth Crack Repairs at location identified by the Engineer following the partial depth milling. - Placementr of new layers of asphalt type "D" - Asphalt line painting and markings. and other related work all as shown on the drawings and as described in these specifications. The foregoing will not be construed as limiting, restricting, or modifying any general or specific requirements as set forth in any part of the Contract documents. In accordance with paragraph 28 of the General Conditions, the City reserves the right to add or remove quantities from this contract. The Contractor shall not be compensated for any work deleted. The proposed work will be performed on Dieppe Blvd from Canaan Dr. to Marathon Cr. One lane shall be open for thru-traffic during working hours and two lanes during non-working hours for the full duration of the construction period. Any damage or disturbance caused by the Contractor outside these limits shall be reinstated at his cost. Copies of plans and specifications will be on file at the Moncton Northeast Construction Association, 297 Collishaw Street, Moncton, N.B. Specifications and Instructions to Tenderers are contained in the City of Dieppe "Standard Municipal Specifications", as revised February 2019. A copy can be requested on the City of Dieppe website at http://www.dieppe.ca .


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work



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Dieppe Boulevard, Dieppe, NB

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