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Published February 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to an educational facility in Madison, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the demolition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; and for the addition of a 2,000-square-foot educational facility.

The scope of the project will includes, but is not limited to, the following: 5th floor Addition: This addition will add approximately 2,000 GSF to the 5th floor of the Memorial Union for the Wisconsin Union Directorate's Office. The project will contain three private offices adjacent to a 10-person open office space, and one conference room. New mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection will need to be brought into the space. The current penthouse exhaust will have to be modified to accommodate the addition. The structure will also need to be verified and possibly enhanced to accommodate the load of the addition. Construction timing will be discussed throughout the design to meet the needs of the Wisconsin Union and limit interruptions to events in adjacent spaces, including the reception room below the proposed addition. Theater and Tripp Commons Roof Deck Repair: The scope of this work includes repairing the roughly 7,000 GSF exterior theater deck and roughly 10,000 GSF Tripp deck to address code, leak, and egress issues. On the Tripp deck, tent anchors will need to be designed to withstand the structure of the three existing Union tents, currently used for events. The east Tripp deck egress stair will be modified from the current interior stair BID OPENING for MEP BIDDERS: 2:00 P.M., June 24, 2021. 11 BID OPENING for GENERAL PRIME CONTRACTOR BIDDERS: 2:00 P.M., July 27, 2021. configuration to an exterior stair. This would require removing the glass vestibule on the east and modifying the interior stair condition on the first and second floors. Additional lighting is desired along the exterior perimeter of Tripp Commons and along the railing. Existing banner poles will be rehabilitated and reinstalled. Construction for this work will need to be thoroughly coordinated to address events in adjacent spaces, including the Terrace, and the recently completed Alumni Park. Refer to the Construction Logistics and Phasing plan for scheduling and phasing information. Terrace Material Lift Addition: The design and construction of a terrace material lift at the Memorial Union will replace the existing nonfunctional scissor lift and address issues related to moving staff with trash and event equipment from the loading dock to the Terrace. The lift construction will need to be done in a way to preserve views across the Terrace above as best as possible. Lift design will need to follow UW guidelines as well as construction codes. Work will need to occur within a specified time period, so as not to interfere with building operations and future planned events. MBE (9%), WBE (9%)




Public - State/Provincial

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

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800 Langdon St, Madison, WI

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