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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Northampton, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

As of 08/03/2021 this project has been awarded to Ludlow Construction in the amount of $881,133.40. The project consists of the reconstruction of Pleasant Street from just north of the roundabout intersection with Conz St, northerly to the intersection of Hockanum Road (a distance of approximately 0.27 miles). Specifically, this work would serve as Phase II of complete streets improvements to Pleasant Street, expanding upon Phase I of the Pleasant Street complete streets improvements between Hampton Avenue and Hockanum Road previously constructed. The reconstruction will introduce separated bicycle facilities on both sides of Pleasant Street, transit amenities and sidewalk improvements as well as additional landscaping improvements along the extents of the project. All work in this contract is located within the City of Northampton and entails the reconstruction of Pleasant Street from just north of the roundabout intersection with Conz St, northerly to the intersection of Hockanum Road (a distance of approximately 0.27 miles). The reconstruction will introduce separated bicycle facilities on the westerly and easterly sides of Pleasant Street, transit amenities and sidewalk improvements as well as additional landscaping improvements along the extents of the project. The scope of work to be performed under this contract is for roadway reconstruction and all work described in the Specifications and Drawings. Reconstruction of Pleasant Street from just north of the roundabout intersection with Conz St, northerly to the intersection of Hockanum Road to make into a complete street. A description of the methods used for pipe removal, abatement, decontamination and containerization of the asbestos-containing material (ACM) is also required priori to performing this work. The shop drawings and work description shall be prepared by a Licensed Asbestos Project Designer. Work under these items consist of furnishing, deploying, maintaining in proper operating conditions, and removing temporary pedestrian barricades and temporary pedestrian ramps as part of a Temporary Pedestrian Access Route (TPAR) in order to guide pedestrians around a fully- or partially-closed sidewalk. These devices are intended to prevent pedestrians from entering the work area and to prevent pedestrians from inadvertently entering the vehicle travel lane by providing visual and physical separation between each space. The deadline to submit bid questions is Noon on Monday July 19, 2021


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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July 21, 2021

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Pleasant St, Northampton, MA

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