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Published May 17, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for an office development in Olyphant, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the demolition of a office development; and for site work for a office development.

Olyphant Borough Demolition of a Commercial Building at 105 Delaware Avenue: Base Bid: Demolition of Structure, place fill material in basement area, place 4" 2A Subbase material, and related items. The bid must be accompanied by a certified/cashiers check or Bid Bond in favor of Olyphant Borough, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total Bid Amount. Bidders must submit with their bids all forms listed in the Attachments to Plans and Specifications. Olyphant Borough reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding process. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days. If written notice of the acceptance of this Bid is mailed or delivered to the undersigned within sixty (60) days after the opening thereof, or at any time thereafter before the Bid is withdrawn, the undersigned agrees to execute and deliver the Agreement in the form prescribed by Olyphant Borough or forfeit said Bid Security. State Prevailing Wage Rates will apply to his contract. The contract documents contain requirements addressing prevailing labor wage rates, labor standards, nondiscrimination in hiring practices, and related matters. Olyphant Borough is an Equal Opportunity Employer and all qualified Bids of contractors will receive equal consideration without regard to Race, Color, Religion, Creed, Ancestry, National Origin, Gender or Sexual Orientation. . Bid Security Checks must be made payable to the Borough of Olyphant. The bid proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope containing Bid, Bid Bond (or other approved bid security), Unit Price Sheet, Bid Proposal, Statement of Bidder's Qualifications, Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Bidder and Certification of Non Segregated Facilities, shall be addressed to Olyphant Borough Manager, Olyphant Municipal Building, 113 Willow Avenue, Olyphant, PA, 18447 and shall be plainly marked with the wording, "Proposal for Olyphant Borough Demolition of a Commercial Building at 105 Delaware Avenue Bid Package".




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105 Delaware Ave, Olyphant, PA

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Olyphant Borough - Demolition of a Commercial Building at 105 Delaware Avenue

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