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Saving Project...

Published November 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; for the construction of a multi-residential development; municipal facility; and financial development.

Development of new housing and office space required by growth related to activities at the Port of Prince Rupert. This may include building space for the Prince Rupert Port Authority and port-related industries. The Client is willing, subject to terms of the Contract, to actively engage with the Port of Prince Rupert and other potential commercial and institutional occupants of the Gateway project to assist in marketing and disposition of the project. Two of the entities which comprise the Client wish to become owners of space in the Gateway Project generally as follows: a) Northern Savings requires 15,000 to 20,000 square feet of space for a new credit union branch; and b) The City requires approximately 10,000 square feet of space for a civic institutional use. Additionally, the City wishes to develop 3rd Avenue adjacent the development lands as a pedestrian mall with covered areas, public amenities such as landscaping, seating and public art (the Pedestrian Mall Work). The lands on which the Gateway Project is envisioned are shown on Map 1 and generally des0cribed as follows: 1) Block 18 Parcels": 2,971 Square Meters of land, legally described as Lots 13-24, Block 18, Section 1, DL251, Range 5, Coast District, Plan 923, owned by Northern Savings Credit Union; 2) Block 34 Parcels": 3,038 square meters of land, legally described as Lot 52-63, Block 34, Section 1, DL251, Range 5, Coast District, Plan 923 owned by M & M Ventures Ltd.; 3) 891 square meters of land owned by the City, labeled as Lane, as shown on Map 1 which may be closed as road and merged with the Block 18 Parcels; and 4) The road shown as 3rd Avenue on Map 1, owned by the City, which may be closed to traffic and developed as a covered pedestrian mall as a part of the Gateway Project. TIMELINE: Request for proposals seeking proposals from entities interested in and capable of developing the Gateway project, is cancelled. Project may be updated when a re-tender is approved; timelines are undetermined. Further update may be available late summer 2025, upon approvals. *iPlan Planning and Development Services is the consultant.




Public - City

New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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November 3, 2025


Multiple Locations, Prince Rupert, BC

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