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Published August 17, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Durham, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

Plans call for fire damage repair/restoration of an historic house including timber framing, wood siding, interior woodwork, plaster, finishes, interior/exterior painting, attic insulation, and minor window re-glazing. Project Location: 2828 Old Oxford Highway Durham, NC 27712 1. Selective Demolition of fire damaged siding, framing members, plaster, wood flooring. 2. Timber structure repairs. 3. Wood Door and Window Component Restoration and Re-Glazing. 4. Plaster Finishes Repair and Restoration 5. Wood Floor Repair/restoration 6. Millwork/Wainscotting Restoration and Repair. 7. Mechanical systems verification/check and cleaning. 8. (Minimal) smoke alarm system repairs and system check. 9. Attic Insulation. Addendum #1 & #2 have been issued. ADDENDUM #2 IS LISTED BELOW AND DOES NOT CONTAIN A SEPARATE DOCUMENT Refer to A-101 BUILDING FLOOR PLANS AND REFLECTED CEILING PLANS, GENERAL PLAN NOTES, and add the following notes: G06. Repair plaster as scheduled on the drawings. In addition, identify other locations of loose or missing plaster and repair. This project does not require repair of hairline cracks except where associated with loose or missing plaster. G07. Paint house interior plaster walls, ceilings, windows and woodwork to match the color, sheen, texture and appearance or existing interior finishes. G07. Doors not damaged by fire or heat are not scheduled to be re-painted. Protect these doors and hardware from damage during construction. Doors 02 and 03 damaged by heat and fire are scheduled to be repaired. Preserve the existing undamaged finish areas of doors 02 and 03 and repaint repaired areas to match existing adjacent surfaces and pin-striping. G08. Existing wood floors are not scheduled to receive new finishes. G09. Provide a sloped maple transition threshold at door 03 to bridge the ¾” floor elevation difference between Entry 100 and Parlor 101. G10. Replace and reglaze missing and broken window panes with 1/8” plate glass. Repair broken or damaged window sashes as required.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - State/Provincial






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July 29, 2021

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2828 Old Oxford Rd, Durham, NC

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