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Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Bayfield, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The work includes installation of new sidewalk, removal, and replacement of the asphalt walking trail, and making trail accessibility improvements. A. Remove existing blacktop on trail that traverses on the lakeshore through the parks commonly known as Jake's and Memorial Park. Price bid shall also include removal of soil below existing asphalt to provide path finished grade to allow drainage across the path from surrounding areas with 6-inch-thick pavement section below path finished grade. See items B and D below. B. Level and place 6' wide 3/4-inch dense graded gravel base per WisDOT specification 305; minimum of 4" thick. C. Base must be graded and compacted per WisDOT specification 305. D. Install hot mix asphalt walking path (approximately 3403 sq. feet) of a 5' blacktop walking surface, compacted to 2" thick at a 2% maximum cross slope to meet ADA requirements. Smaller aggregate asphalt is preferred for a smoother finish on the path. Contractor to inform City what aggregate will be used. E. Site restoration including topsoil and grass seed throughout project area required. F. Note, the trailhead on the south end to be moved southward as staked by the City of Bayfield Public Works Director. G. North trail segment improvements needed to reduce slope and make area more accessible. This area is directly east of the Bayfield Civic League's gazebo located in Memorial Park (southeast corner of Rittenhouse Avenue and Front Street). Trail will be moved toward the east, slope leveling needed, fabric and 12" rock (to match existing stone in that corner -approx. 40') added to restabilize bank and a portion of the concrete sidewalk on the west of trail to be removed, filled with topsoil and reseeded. H. Install 147'x5' (approximately 750 sq. ft.) of sidewalk including 4-inch thick 3/4-inch base course on the east side of First Street, beginning at the intersection of First Street and Manypenny Avenue southward to the Apostle Islands Marina Parking lot. Detectable warning plates at the north and south end shall be included. I. Site Visit Required prior to submitting bid.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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