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Renovation and addition to a water / sewer project in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the expansion of a wastewater treatment plant. Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority (Surry and Wilkes counties), $657,000 for equipment replacement at the wastewater treatment plant. __________________________________________ Deadline for Questions: September 1, 2021 by 5:00 pm, EST. Submit all questions regarding this Request for Qualifications to Wes Bramlett, Owner's Advisor, at List in the email subject line: "RFQ #2021-01, Wilkesboro Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) - Upgrade and Expansion". MBE: 10.9% WBE: 10.4% The Town of Wilkesboro (Town) owns and operates the Cub Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) located on Snyder Street in Wilkesboro, North Carolina at the confluence of Cub Creek and the Yadkin River. The WWTP operates an activated sludge process and has a permitted capacity of 4.9 million gallons per day (mgd). The Town is authorized to discharge treated effluent from the WWTP to the Yadkin River under NPDES Permit Number NC0021717. Tyson Foods, Inc. is authorized to discharge pretreated effluent to the WWTP under Industrial User Permit (IUP) Number 1003. The treatment facility is nearing its permitted capacity, therefore the Town is proposing to upgrade and expand the treatment capacity of the WWTP. Treatment capacity needs were determined based on historical influent flows and projected growth within the sewer collection system service area over the next 20 years. The population projections were determined by using the State of North Carolina's Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) 2050 Projected Populations for Wilkes County. Additionally, because Tyson Foods contributes approximately 70% of influent flow to the WWTP, an allowance for increased pretreatment flows was considered in the development of treatment capacity needs. To meet future more stringent nutrient limits and treat increased wastewater flows, the Town is pursuing a plant expansion and process upgrade to 9 mgd. In addition to changing the secondary treatment technology, each unit process will need to be upgraded appropriately with the selected secondary treatment technology. Based on this evaluation, the Town has selected the AquaNereda Aerobic Granular Sludge (Nereda) System for expanding and upgrading the Cub Creek WWTP. Municipal influent wastewater will be pumped from the influent pump station to a new headworks facility located northeast of the Tyson Foods aeration basins. During wet weather conditions, flow will be equalized in Tyson's pretreatment basins. From there, screened municipal wastewater and effluent from Tyson Foods will flow by gravity to the Nereda system. There will be four Nereda SBRs all utilizing a common wall. The basins will be aerated using diffused aeration. In addition to the Nereda reaction basins, there will be two auxiliary tanks retrofitted using existing secondary clarifier infrastructure at the Cub Creek WWTP. It is proposed that Secondary Clarifier 3 and Clarifier 4 be retrofitted to the dual sludge buffer tank and water level control tank. The sludge buffer tank is used as an in-between step between aerobic digestion and secondary treatment. Sludge from the sludge buffer tank will be pumped to the aerobic digesters, and the supernatant back to the head of the plant. The water level correction tank is used to store excess flow required when the water level drops in the Nereda reactors. The water from this tank will be pumped back to the head of the plant. The aeration system will maintain a 2.0 mg/L DO concentration during maximum month conditions.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Addition, Renovation

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Snyder St, Wilkesboro, NC

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