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Site work and renovation of a civil project in Newton, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Scope/Description Box information: The Project includes the following major Work Items: 1 New Influent Pump Station with VTSH Pumps and Dual Mechanical Screening Equipment 2 New Grit Removal System with Parshall Flume 3 New Liquid Lime Storage and Feed System 4 New Septage Acceptance Plant and Receiving Pump Station 5 New Aeration Basin Blower Building with Magnetic Bearing Turbo Blowers 6 Two (2) New Aeration Basins with Diffused Aeration System 7 New Drain Pump Station 8 Existing Secondary Clarifier Improvements 9 Chlorine Contact Basin Improvements 10 New Sludge Thickening System and Associated Pumps 11 Convert Aeration Basins 3 & 4 to Aerobic Sludge Digesters 12 Convert Existing Thickeners to Primary Sludge Holding Basins 13 New Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System 14 Site Work, Yard Piping, Electrical, and associated appurtenances SRP-W-134-011 Question Deadline 11/05/2024 Questions will not be taken by phone. Questions may be e-mailed to Engineer's E-mail address as The purpose of the subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation was to explore the subsurface conditions at the site, collect representative samples of soil for examination in our laboratory, and provide recommendations for design and construction of the proposed Clark Creek WWTP Upgrade located at 1369 McKay Farm Rd in Newton, North Carolina. CVET's scope of service included items outlined in CVET 24-056P dated March 1, 2024. The Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA) organization has prepared important information for studies of the type performed, and we have included their document for your review in Appendix A. An assessment of the environmental aspects, regulated wetlands, groundwater recharge, or stormwater runoff conditions at the site is beyond the scope of this study. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION Based on the Clark Creek WWTP Upgrades (preliminary grading plan, CAD drawing - 30% Progress) undated and prepared by The Wooten Company (Wooten), the project consists of the construction of several new structures. We have included a summary of our understanding of the proposed structures along with approximate existing elevation, top of-wall elevations, bottom elevations, and finished floor elevations (for slab-on-grade structures). In addition to the previously listed structures, two site retaining walls are planned for the northwest corner of the site and south of the proposed Chemical Building and Disc Filters. The proposed northwest site wall is a cut wall with a maximum exposed height of about 13 feet with a 3H:1V cut foreslope down to the new Aeration Basins (1 & 2). The proposed southern site wall is a fill wall with a maximum exposed height of about 9 feet. Site improvements will also include a new paved drive and tie-in between the existing Aeration Basin No. 3 and the new Aeration Basin No. 1, paved driveway around the new Influent Pump Station and Screening Facility, and paved access drive along the southwestern corner down to the proposed WAS Holding Pump Station and Holding Tank. The project site is bounded by Clark Creek to the south, existing wooded area to the west, McKay Farm Rd to the north, and wooded land and existing residential homes to the east. The preliminary grading plan indicates the 100-year and the 500-year flood boundary generally follows the EL 825 feet and EL 826 feet contour, respectively, on the southern end of the project area. The existing ground surface is covered with grass at the proposed improvement areas. We also noted the presence of animal burrows on the northwest side of the proposed aeration basins and cut slope as well as the south of the existing Filter Building. Based on the City of Newton Wastewater Treatment System Performance Annual Report for 2021 (dated February 15, 2022, accessed May 2024), we understand the original WWTP was completed in 1979 and upgraded in 1992, 2005, and 2010. We also note that a pond is situated approximately 200 feet west of the proposed 3H:1V cut slope in the northwestern corner of the site. The pond is on the City of Newton property (PID 363919515417). Historic aerial imagery (Google Earth Pro, accessed May 2024 and NCDOT 1960, 1975, 1979, and 1994) indicates that before construction of the original WWTP, the site may have been used for agricultural purposes in 1960. Imagery from 1975 and 1976 shows tree growth in the southern half of the site until construction of the original plant in 1979. Since 1998, the site appears to have been relatively unchanged except the previously noted upgrades in 2005 and 2010. Elevation data from Catawba County GIS shows the site generally slopes down from approximate elevation EL 902 feet in the northern corner of the site at McKay Farm Rd down to EL 810 feet at Clark Creek along the southern border. Based on the preliminary grading plan, the maximum permanent cut depth is 27 feet around the proposed Aeration Basins. Permanent fill depths are generally less than 5 feet; however, the site wall south of the Chemical Building and Disc Filters will require approximately 5 to 10 feet of fill.

GC Bidding

Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work





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1369 McKay Rd, Newton, NC

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