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Published December 9, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in San Antonio, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of 11/19/2021 no award made. Award details will be available after December 7th. Sealed bids are requested by the San Antonio Water System for the 2020 Dead End Water Main Elimination Package II Project, SAWS Job No. 20-7010, for the construction at the following 9 project sites: o Hwy 16 and S. Zarzamora Street: 2,216 LF of 8" DI water main and 245 LF of 16" DI water main by open cut method and 212 LF of 16" DI carrier pipe with 30" steel casing by boring method. o Hwy 16 and Doolittle Street: 2,567 LF of 8" HDPE water main by open-cut method. o W. Mally Boulevard: 1,063 LF of 8" PVC C-900 water main by open-cut method. o K Street: 403 LF of 8" PVC C-900 water main by open-cut method and 116 LF of 8" PVC carrier pipe with 24" steel casing by boring method. o 6th Street and Loop 1604: 366 LF of 8" PVC C-900 water main by open-cut method and 180 LF of 8" PVC carrier pipe with 24" steel casing by boring method. o Hwy 16 and Southern Trail: 389 LF of 8" PVC C-900 water main and 600 LF of 12" PVC C-900 water main by open-cut method and 189 LF of 12" PVC carrier pipe with 24" steel casing by boring method. o Hwy 16 and Palo Alto Drive: 1,135 LF of 8" PVC C-900 water main and 259 LF of 12" PVC C-900 water main by open-cut method. o Toudouze: 407 LF of 12" HDPE water main by open cut method and 141 LF of 12" HDPE carrier pipe with 24" steel casing (0.438-inch thickness) by boring method crossing roadway and railroad right-of-way. o Hume Road: 726 LF of 12" HDPE water main by open cut method and 128 LF of 12" HDPE carrier pipe with 24" steel casing (0.438-inch thickness) by boring method crossing railroad right-of-way. For questions regarding this solicitation, technical questions or additional information, please contact Roxanne Lockhart, Contract Administrator, in writing via email to: Roxanne.Lockhart@saws.org or by fax to (210) 233-4438 until 3:00 PM (CT) on September 29, 2021. Answers to the questions will be posted to the web site by 3:00 PM (CT) on October 6, 2021 as a separate document or included as part of an addendum. Please be advised that Bidders are prohibited from communicating with any other SAWS staff, the Consultant, the Developer, or City of San Antonio officials regarding this IFB up until the contract is awarded as outlined in the Instructions to Bidders. See the Electronic Bid Opening Instructions attachment for additional information regarding an electronic bid submittal. Electronic bids shall be accompanied by a bid bond in an amount not less than five percent of the total bid price. (Or, if providing SAWS with a cashier's check or certified check in an amount not less than five percent of the total bid price, SAWS will request this within 24 hours from the apparent low bidder. Sealed bids must be accompanied by a cashier's check, certified check, or bid bond in an amount not less than five percent of the total bid price. Bidder's email requesting access to the FTP site shall provide the legal name of Bidder's company and the intended recipient's email address and phone number. No requests access will be accepted after October 15, 2021 10:00 AM (CDT). For questions regarding this solicitation, technical questions or additional information, please contact Roxanne Lockhart, Contract Administrator, in writing via email to: Roxanne.Lockhart@saws.org or by fax to (210) 233-4438 until 3:00 PM (CT) on October 8, 2021.


Water / Sewer


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Multiple Locations, San Antonio, TX

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