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Published January 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in East Chicago, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

City of East Chicago, Indiana will receive sealed bids for the Exchange Ave. and Short St. Reconstruction Project in East Chicago, Indiana, all in accordance with the Contract Documents, Construction Schedule, and Specifications. This work shall include but is not limited to the reconstruction of Exchange Ave. from Indianapolis Blvd. to Tod Ave. and Short St. from Exchange Ave. to Chicago Ave. Work includes the reconstruction of the roadway, driveways, curbs, sidewalks, sewers, new inlets, water lines and reconstructing the parking lot along the east side of Short Street from Exchange Ave. south to Chicago Ave. The City reserves the right to make any changes in the Specifications and Plans which may be deemed necessary either before or after beginning any work under this contract, without invalidating it, provided, that if alterations are made, the general character of the work as a whole is not changed thereby. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying his surety of any changes affecting the general scope of the work or change in the Contract Price and the amount of the bonds shall be adjusted accordingly. If such alterations increase the quantity of work to be done where unit prices are specified, such increase shall be paid for according to the quantity of work actually performed at the unit price specified under this contract for each designated class of work. If such alternations diminish the quantity of work to be performed, where unit prices are specified, they shall not constitute a claim for damages or for loss of profits on the work that may be dispensed with, and the City shall not be required to pay for work or materials omitted. If such alterations increase or decrease the amount of work to be done, where lump sum prices are specified, such increase or decrease shall be determined by one or more of the following methods as determined by the Engineer. A. By an acceptable lump sum proposal from the Contractor for all or such part of the work or materials as not specified in the contract by applicable unit prices. B. By an acceptable unit price proposal from the Contractor for such items of work or materials as not already specified in the contract by applicable unit prices. C. On a cost-plus-limited basis wherein the Contractor shall be reimbursed for all costs incurred in doing the work, and shall receive an additional payment of not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) of all such costs to cover overhead expense and profit. For such work done by subcontractor, each subcontractor may add up to ten percent (10%) of his actual net increase in costs for combined overhead and profit and the Contractor may add up to five percent (5%) of the subcontractor's actual net increase in costs. The cost-plus-limited basis shall be limited to some fixed sum as agreed upon prior to start of work. The term "costs" shall include wages paid to labor and pro rata charges for foreman required under the specific order; social security, unemployment and worker's compensation insurance; State gross income tax or direct State sales tax; cost of all materials and supplies required of either temporary or permanent character; rental of all power-driven equipment at agreed-upon rates, together with cost of fuel and supply charges on same; shipping charges and any other direct costs if approved by the Engineer.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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