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Published March 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, asbestos abatement and renovation of a municipal facility in Monroe, New York. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; and for asbestos abatement for a municipal facility.

All individuals who plan to attend pre - bid meeting s or bid openings in person will be required to complete and present a DASNY Visitor Covid - 19 Screening Questionnai re, present government - issued picture identification to building security officials and obtain a visitors pass prior to attending the bid opening. The questionnaire and all instructions are located after Section 19.0 of the Information for Bidders. In accordance with State Finance Law 139 - j and 139 - k, this solicitation includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between DASNY personnel and a prospective bidder during the procurement process. Designated staff for this solicitation is : Katarzyna Drogowski, Project Manager, DASNY, Rockland Psychiatric Center, 140 Old Orangeburg Road, Bu ilding 19 - Second Floor, Orangeburg, New York 10962 917 - 416 - 6642 kdrogows@dasny.org (the Owner's Representative) and DASNY at ccontracts @dasny .org . Contacts made to other DASNY personnel regarding this procurement may disqualify the prospective bidder and affect future procurements with governmental entities in the State of New York. For more information pursuant to this law, refer electronically Please include your Federal ID number, telephone and fax numbers on your Bank Check or Postal Money Order. Note: Bid due date is subject to change if Contract Documents are not available when requested, therefore, please call to confirm the availability o f Contract Documents. If the Contract Documents will not be picked up by the purchaser , the purchaser will need to provide an account number for shipping of the documents or send an additional non - refundable check for $20 payable to Camelot Print and Copy Centers In the amount of five percent (5%) of the base bid amount, each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of the bidder made payable to the Dormitory Authority or by a bid bond prepared on the form of bid bond included in the Contract Documents, duly executed by the bidder as principal, and the surety thereon. Bidder failure to provide bid security as prescribed, may result in rejection of the bid. Bid bonds submitted as bid security shall contain an original signature of both the bidder and the surety providing the bid bond in the space provided on the Form of Bid Bond. The surety shall be authorized to do business in the State of New York by the New York State Department of Financial Services, rated at least A - by A. M. Best and Company, or meet such other requirements a s are acceptable to the Owner in its sole and exclusive discretion Simultaneously with the delivery of the signed Agreement , the successful bidder shall furnish to the Owner and maintain, at its own cost and expense a Performance Bond in an amount at least equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract amount as security for faithful performance of the Contract and also a Payment Bond in an amount at least equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract amount for the payment of all persons performing labor under the Contract or furnishing materials for the Contract. The Performance Bond and Payment Bond surety must be authorized to do business in New York State by the NYS Department of Financial Services, rated at least A - by A.M.




Public - State/Provincial

Asbestos Abatement, Renovation, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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39 Clark Ln, Monroe, NY

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