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Published December 27, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Richmond, Virginia. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

The NAICS Code for this procurement is 541330, Engineering Services, and the applicable Small Business Size Standard is $16.5 million annual revenue. The projected award date for the anticipated A/E contract is on or before February 15, 2022. The anticipated period of performance for completion of design is 212 calendar days after Notice to Proceed (NTP). This Is Not a Request for Proposal. This Is a Request for Sf 330's Architect/engineer Qualification Packages Only. The NAICS code for the anticipated Construction project is projected to be 236220 and magnitude of construction is predicted to be between $500,000 and $1,000,000. The anticipated award date of the construction phase of the project is to be determined (TBD). An Architect & Engineer (A/E) contract will be negotiated for the development of complete construction documents which include working drawings, specifications, reports, and construction period services. The A/E will be given written information; participate in project planning meetings, pre-proposal meeting, and pre-construction meeting as required; communicate with VA personnel via telephone or e-mail; and is expected to coordinate so that the final documents include all requirements in accordance with industry standard practices, VA standards, VA design manuals, and review comments. Provide professional engineering services for the design and construction administration to replace and upgrade the HVAC System in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab to bring it in compliance with current VA standards for temperature, air changes, space pressure, filtration, outside air and humidity. The renovation design shall include but is not limited to the following items: a. Replacement of the existing HVAC system located in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab and adjacent spaces with a new system that meets current VA standards. b. Modification of the procedure rooms finishes as required to install the new HVAC system and meet the air flow/distribution and pressure requirements indicated in the VA design guides and manuals. c. Modification of any structural elements required to install the new HVAC system. d. Verification and modification of electrical systems, as necessary, to account for new HVAC equipment. e. There will be no changes to the existing floor plan. f. Design will incorporate the requirement for the construction contractor to carefully remove medical equipment before work starts, package equipment for shipment, store equipment in a conditioned warehouse, and reinstall and test equipment after work is complete. Design shall comply with VA guidelines and specifications. Design manuals and specifications can be found at http://www.cfm.va.gov/TIL/. Design shall also meet all applicable codes and standards. Proposed work is located at Richmond VA Medical Center, Building 500, in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab. All RFIs shall be submitted to Denise.Morman@va.gov . Questions should be sent via email NLT October 21 ,2021 by 4:00PM Eastern Time. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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January 20, 2023


1201 Broad Rock Blvd, Richmond, VA

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