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Published November 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Wausau, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of 11/18/2021 Start date dependent on the weather Proposals are for supplying and installing an ultraviolet cured glass reinforced plastic cured in-place pipe liner for a 48" steel storm sewer pipe and grouting of soil surrounding the storm sewer pipe. The goal of the project is to line the existing metal storm sewer outlet and fill the voids in the soil around the pipe with polyurethane hydrophobic grout. The work is anticipated to include the following: 1. UV GRP CIPP 48" - Lining of the full length of the Storm Sewer horizontal outfall with a watertight termination at the vertical riser pipe in accordance with the attached specification. 2. Soil stabilization and void filling around the exterior of the culvert pipe for the full length of the storm sewer using Green Mountain International U 4.0 dual component Mountain Grout (or equal product). 3. Optional Add-on cost for lining the vertical riser pipe and installing a watertight termination at the inlet. Vendors may include additional services with their proposals if they offer other services that would be beneficial in achieving the project goal. The site is accessed from Lake Wausau or through the drainage way on Lakeshore Drive approximately 200' south of Phlox Lane. The site is available for inspection at any time during daylight hours. Site information should be discussed with the Marathon County Highway Department prior to arriving on the site and representatives will work to meet with vendors on site as requested. Vendors are responsible for all site safety associated with the project from the bidding through completion of the project, including, but not limited to, working in a confined space, working on slopes, working on the shoreline and working in, on or near water. During construction, the storm drain inlet shall be protected at all times with fencing or steel covers to protect the public. Any questions should be directed to John St. Onge at 715-261-1812. The General Code of the County of Marathon contains various procurement policies which are applicable to this proposed procurement. These include prohibitions against gratuities and kickbacks


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lakeshore Drive and Phlox Lane, Wausau, WI

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