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Published December 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in Goffstown, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for the renovation of a swimming pool; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The Town of Goffstown, Department of Parks and Recreation is seeking bids to replace the 200 amp three-phase service to the Barnard Pool house. We are seeking a contract now, however, understand a Spring install might be needed. This project includes without limitation to, designing, permitting, material furnishing, and construction required to complete the job. The Barnard pool is located at 9 Barnard Lane, Goffstown, NH 03045. The Town will select one Company with whom it will make a good faith effort to negotiate an Agreement. In the event such an agreement cannot be reached to the satisfaction of the Town, it reserves the right to terminate negotiations (with no obligation to the selected Company), and to enter into an agreement with any other party of its choosing. The Town reserves the right to negotiate, accept or reject any and all bids, as well as waive any informality in the best interest of the Town. Proposals which fail to address each of the submission requirements above may be deemed non-responsive and will not be further considered. Site/Demolition Work Wood structure around existing electrical equipment will need to be redesigned to gain 3' clearance per NEC code. Prep and install new wood panel for the new box. Installation Provide a new 200 amp 3 phase service to the pool house (replace what's existing not for future expansion) Install a 200 amp 3 phase meter socket on the side of the building Install 4" conduit up the pole including elbows (galvanized steel) Bond according to the NEC Feed 200 amp panel board from new meter socket Re-Feed the existing pool loads utilizing the existing equipment Excavation Trenching 3' deep, sand, buried electrical line marker tape backfill. Bollards Install 2 bollards in front of the new meter to protect it from physical damage Exclusions All finished landscaping will be done by the Parks and Recreation Department.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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November 15, 2021

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9 Barnard Ln, Goffstown, NH

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