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Saving Project...

Published March 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

The Town of Qu'Appelle invites tenders from qualified contractors to remove and replace the waterline located on Qu'Appelle Street from 7th Avenue to 9th Avenue. The base scope of work includes approximately 550 meters 150mm (6 inch) of water main replacement and if required replacement of 4" sewer lines from west side of Qu'Appelle Street from 7th Avenue to 9th Avenue. Replacement includes the following: -The tender shall include excavation, removal and disposal of old services; installation/connection of new service(s) and backfill to ground level. -Replacement of 550 meters of 150mm (6 inch) water line. -Excavate and replace 21 curb boxes and lines to main using 3/4" weisbrot -Contractor will be in charge of replacing 101.6mm (4 inch) sewer lines from west side of Qu'Appelle st. -Removal of 2 sections 10 feet x 15 feet cement sidewalk and curb for installation of 2 - 10 foot fire hydrant and 6 inch valve, 6 inch C900 tee, 6 inch pipe and hymax coupler. -Install 4 main lines valves including rod and boxes. -Contractor to bore or dig approximately 14 sites with 3/4 inch water lines to east side of Qu'Appelle St. -Contractor will be in charge of replacing necessary 101.6mm (4 inch) sewer lines from west side of Qu'Appelle St. -Town of Qu'Appelle will mark property lines. -Line Locates will be the responsibility of the contractor. -The Town of Qu'Appelle will supply materials for the dig, water lines, sewer lines, connectors, hydrants, boxes, etc. all materials required for the dig. Contractor will be responsible for one foot (1') packed bed of sand and then covered and tamped (vibratory) with 1 foot of sand cover. When trench is filled in, one hundred percent (100%) must be compacted and 106 road gravel applied. Minister of Highways in 2023 will be resurfacing this portion of the highway. Contractor is responsible for running potable water to residents for duration of project. Contractor must follow all OH&S regulations and be in good standing with Saskatchewan Worker's Compensation Board. Project to be completed by July 31st, 2022.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Qu'Appelle St, Qu'Appelle, SK

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