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Published January 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Topeka, Kansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

Q And A Open11/24/2021 2:01:00 AM Q And A Close12/15/2021 11:30:00 PM The City of Topeka is seeling bids for Fire Station lighting upgrades at the following locations. Locations are Fire Stations #1 (NE Quincy), #2 (SE 6th & Rice Rd.), #4 (SW Clay), #5 (SW 21st & Western), #6 (NE Seward), #7 (SW Oakley), #8 (SW 27th & Fairlawn), #9 (SE 29th), #10 (SW 37th), #11 (NW Lower Silver Lake Rd.), #12 (SW 21st & Ursih Rd.), and the Fire Administration Building (SE 4th & Jefferson, same location as Fire Station #3 but is a seperate facility). The Work ofthis Service Order is Lighting Upgrades with the following scope: At all stations and Admin Bldg replace the outdated incandescent, fluorescent, and metal halide lighting with all new high-efficient LED lighting to save energy and provide more adequate lighting. This includes interior and exterior lighting upgrades. Lighting controls are also updated as part of this project in all these stations and the Admin Bldg. 131068.00, Service Order 04: Lighting Upgrades - Fire Stations #1 (NE Quincy), #2 (SE 6th & Rice Rd), #4 (SW Clay), #5 (SW 21st & Western), #6 (NE Seward), #7 (SW Oakley Ave), #8 (SW 27th & Fairlawn), #9 (SE 29th), #10 (SW 37th), #11 (NW Lower Silver Lake Rd), #12 (SW 21st & Urish Rd) & Fire Admin Building (SE 4th & Jefferson), Topeka, Kansas (No Work at Fire Station #3 in this Project) 200051 FIRE STATION #1 - 934 N. QUINCY, TOPEKA, KS 66608 FIRE STATION #2-619 SE RICE RD, TOPEKA, KS 66607 FIRE STATION #4 - 813 SW CLAY ST., TOPEKA, KS 66606 FIRE STATION #5 - 720 SW 21ST ST., TOPEKA, KS 66607 FIRE STATION #6 -1419 NE SEWARD AVE., TOPEKA, KS 66616 FIRE STATION #7 -1215 SW OAKLEY, TOPEKA, KS 66604 FIRE STATION #8 - 2700 SW FAIRLAWN, TOPEKA, KS 66607 FIRE STATION #9 - 2447 SE 29TH ST., TOPEKA, KS 66605 FIRE STATION #10 - 2010 SW 37TH ST., TOPEKA, KS 66611 FIRE STATION #11 -2000 NW LOWER SILVER LAKE RD, TOPEKA, KS 66618 FIRE STATION #12-2101 SW URISH, TOPEKA, KS 66614 ADMIN BUILDING - 324 SE JEFFERSON ST., TOPEKA, KS 66607

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Fire / Police


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Multiple Locations, Topeka, KS

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