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Published January 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Omaha, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

For additional information please call 531-299-0280. The products will be delivered to and installed in the cafeteria at Northwest High School, 8204 Crown Point, Omaha, NE 68134. All products ordered by OPS will be delivered and installed in July 2022 so that the products will be available for use at the start of the 2022-2023 school year. The exact delivery date and delivery schedule must be coordinated with OPS. Contractor is to include care and maintenance materials for products when the products are installed All bids must be completed and submitted on the unaltered OPS bid form that is a part of the Bid Documents. DO NOT SUBMIT BIDS ON ANY OTHER FORM. Unless specifically allowed in the Bid Documents, only one bid form may be submitted by any bidder. All required blanks on the bid form must be completed, all required attachments must be submitted, the final page of the bid form must be signed by an authorized representative of the bidder and the Lobbying Certification must be completed and also signed by an authorized representative and submitted with the bid. All prices are to be rounded off to two decimal points. All prices should be quoted F.O.B. Omaha Public Schools delivery site in Omaha, Nebraska. The amount bid shall be the total cost to OPS for the products or services specified, and no additional amount will be paid by OPS to the successful bidder for the products and services delivered to OPS at the delivery point specified. The bid price for each item shall include the following services for each such Product bid: delivery to the OPS school location specified in the Product Specifications, placement of the Products within the designated buildings as directed by OPS, uncrating and assembly as necessary to make the serving lines useable, removal from OPS property and proper disposal of all shipping boxes, containers and other shipping materials and on-site training of OPS personnel and shall also include all insurance costs, duties, tariffs, surcharges, and brokerage costs. No bidder will be allowed to offer more than one price for each item and the price shall be for the quantity specified in the Bid form. If the bidder submits more than one price on any item, all prices for that item will be rejected. Even though a particular manufacturer's name or brand is specified in the Bid Documents, bids will be considered on other brands of equal or better quality, unless the bid clearly indicates that a particular brand or product (NO SUBSTITUTE) is required. On all bids on which an alternate brand or product is allowed to be proposed by a bidder, the bidder shall indicate clearly the product on which it is bidding, and shall supply a sample or descriptive data, to be attached to the original copy of the bid where applicable. Failure to submit the above information may be sufficient grounds for rejection of bid. OPS reserves the right in its discretion to determine whether an alternate brand is acceptable. In the event the bid is for an item that requires a Safety Data Sheet (SDS), bidder shall include such SDS with bidder's bid proposal. Bids that attempt to change, modify or add additional terms and conditions to the Bid Documents by conditioning a bid response upon the acceptance by OPS of contract terms attached to a bid response or referencing in a bid response certain contract terms on a web site shall be considered non-complying bids by OPS and may be rejected by OPS The products will be delivered to and installed in the cafeteria at Northwest High School, 8204 Crown Point, Omaha, NE 68134. All products ordered by OPS will be delivered and installed in July 2022 so that the products will be available for use at the start of the 2022-2023 school year




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8204 Crown Point Ave, Omaha, NE

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