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Season's Requirements of Cold Patch delivered by truck to any location in Tuscola County. Any variation from the specifications ofthe project herein without written approval from the Tuscola County Road Commission and/or its authorized representative may result in, at the discretion ofthe Road Commission, the voiding and/or canceling ofthe acceptance of any bid and/or contract, resulting from this project. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to readvertise or to accept the proposal, that in their opinion, is in the best interest of Tuscola County. During the performance ofthis contract, the contractor, for itself' its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the ''contractor") agrees as follows: 1, Compliance with Regulations; The contractor shall comply with the Regulations relative to non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs ofthe Department ofTransportation, Title 49, code ofFederal Regulations, Part 21 as they may be amended from time to time, (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein Incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract, 2, Non-discrimination: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it during the contract, shall not discriminate on the grounds ofrace, color, or national origin in the selection and retention ofsubcontractors, including procurements ofmaterials and leases ofequipment, The contractor shall not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by section 21.5 ofthe Regulation, including employment practices when the contractor covers a program set forth in Appendix B ofthe Regulations, 3, Solicitations for Subcontracts: Including Procurements ofMaterials and Enuipment: In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements ofmaterials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by tire contractor oftire contractor's obligations under this contract and the Regulations relative to non-discrimination on the grounds ofrace, color, or national origin. 4. Information and Renerts: Tire contractor shall provide all information and reports required by the Regulatins, or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources ofinformation, and its facilities as may be determined by the Tuscola County Road Commission to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations or directives, Where any information required of a contractor Is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses this information, the contractor shall so certify to the State highway department, or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the Information. 5. Sanctions for Non-compliance: In the event ofthe contractor's non-compliance with the nondiscrimination provisions ofthis contract, the Tuscola County Road Commission shall impose such contract sanctions as it or the Federal Highway Administration may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: (a) Withholding ofpayments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or (b) Cancellation, termination or suspension ofthe contract, in whole or in part, 6. Incorporation ofProvisions: The contractor shall include the provisions of paragraphs(l) through (6) in every subcontract, including procurement ofmaterials and leases ofequipment, unless exempt by the Regulations, or directives issues pursuant thereto. The contractor shall take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Tuscola-County Road Commission may direct as a means ofenforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that, in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result ofsuch direction, the contractor may request the Tuscola County Road Commission to enter into such litigation to protect the Interests oftire County, and, in addition, tire contractor may request the State highway department to enter into such litigation to protect the Interests ofthe State and/or the United Statesto enter into such litigation to protect the interests ofthe United States, "The TUSCOLA COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION, la accordance with Title VI ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78-252,42 U.S.C, 2000d-222d-4, the Civil Rights Act of 1987, P.L. 100-259, and Title 49, Code ofFederal Regulations, Department ofTransportation, subtitle A, Office ofthe Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination In federally assisted programs ofthe Department ofTransportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise firms will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not bo discriminated against on the grounds ofRace, Color, Sex, Age, National Origin, or Handicap in consideration for an award. For additional compliance information, please see Appendix A.
Roads / Highways
Public - County
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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