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Published March 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Carson, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Trustees of The California State University are requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from interested and qualified construction managers (Respondents) to provide preconstruction and construction services for the two Projects reference above. The Trustees will select a construction manager (general contractor) using a two-step process: (1) this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from which Respondents may submit SOQ to the Trustees, and (2) the Request for Proposals (RFP) which the Trustees will issue to the shortlisted firms. A technical review committee shall review the respondents' SOQ and, based on the criteria identified in the RFQ, the committee shall select no more than five finalists to receive the Request for Proposals. Selection of the winning Proposer will be based on qualifications and proposed fees (a design competition is not utilized). Construction Manager at Risk is a two-phased delivery process: (1) Design/Preconstruction Services Phase and (2) Construction Phase, and the Trustees will issue separate contracts for each phase. Note: the Trustees will issue a separate contract to a licensed, CSU-prequalified architect to perform all design services for this project. The Project consists of: CSUDH (CSUDH) proposes to undertake the construction of two combined projects funded sequentially in the 2021 and 2022 State Capital Budgets, namely the (1) SCE Service Switchyard and (2) the Campus Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Project. CSUDH proposes to select a qualified CM@Risk for the projects. Background The existing Service from SCE to the CSUDH Campus is 16,500V with two service feeders. There are two Campus owned transformers installed in 1972 that step down the SCE service feeders to 12kV. It is proposed that CSUDH install a new SCE service with one 16.5kV feeder to replace the two existing feeders. The new service will have additional capacity above what is presently being provided by SCE. The new service will replace the existing SCE 16.5kV P/E service switchgear and two aged transformers with a new SCE 16.5kV customer main breaker switchgear and SCE meter section. The new transformers and 12kV switchgear will be customer owned. The Projects The design of a new electrical switchyard for the new SCE service switchgear and new SCE duct bank and feeder on campus was initiated in September 2021, with draft schematics (SD) to be completed in January 2022 and final schematics (SD) in February 2022. The new Switchyard site will include future space and area for thermal storage (TES) as a future project. In parallel, the design to replace the aging campus 12kV electrical distribution infrastructure on campus has also been initiated. The campus 12kV distribution replacement project includes replacing all of the 12kV SF6 switches installed on campus with new solid dielectric switches. Equipment installed below grade in vaults will be demolished and replaced with above grade pad mounted equipment. Electrical equipment will also be demolished to allow for road widening and reconfiguration for improved traffic flow and pedestrian access. The project will also include the installation of new duct banks and cable to reconfigure the 12kV system to better serve existing loads and to allow for the connection of future campus building projects. Liquidated Damages 1000 Project Durations 807 The Trustees shall give a small business a bid advantage of five percent to contracting firms that have been certified as a "Small Business" by the Department of General Services, Office of Small Business and DVBE Services, in accordance with Contract General Conditions (and Supplementary General Conditions) for Construction Manager at Risk with Guaranteed Maximum Price Projects, Article 2.08, Small Business Five Percent Bid Advantage. Additionally, the Trustees require three percent Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) participation in all contracts, in accordance with Contract General Conditions (and Supplementary General Conditions) for Construction Manager at Risk with Guaranteed Maximum Price Projects, Article 2.09-g, DVBE Incentive. The DVBE incentive is calculated as a percentage of the highest technical score. If the highest scored proposer is a California certified small business, for bid evaluation purposes only, the only proposers eligible for the DVBE incentive will be California certified small businesses. More detailed information will be provided in the RFP. When it nears time to bid trades, the selected construction manager shall contact the Trustees' DVBE Coordinator Maria Hernandez, 310-243-3249 mehernandez@csudh.edu. Respondents shall be familiar with all of the provisions in the Contract General Conditions and Supplementary General Conditions, especially the insurance requirements for the CSU Builders Risk Insurance Program (BRIP) and for the CSU Owner-Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP). This Project will be enrolled into the BRIP, and may also be enrolled into the OCIP, if so specified in the Supplementary General Conditions.This Project is a public works project and is subject to prevailing wage rate laws (Contract General Conditions, Article 4.02). All Respondents/Proposers and all tiers of subcontractors who will work on this Project shall register with the Dept. of Industrial Relations (DIR) to bid and work on public works projects, and maintain current this registration per Labor Code section 1725.5. Question Submission Close Date 12/17/2021 3:00 PM PST




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