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Published September 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a playground / park / athletic field in Desoto, Texas. Completed plans call for the construction of a 80,000-square-foot playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The City of DeSoto, TX ("City") is seeking to hire a qualified Construction Manager at Risk firm ("CMAR" or "CM") as defined to provide preconstruction and construction management services for a new Recreation and Indoor Aquatics Center ("Project") that will be located at existing Curtistene S. McCowan Park property in DeSoto. Through this Request for Qualifications ("RFQ"), the City is seeking Qualification Statements from interested and qualified firms. The city would like at a minimum of 20% total project of WMBE and HUB participation. The Project will involve the construction of a new Recreation and Indoor Aquatics Center for the City of DeSoto, Texas that will be located at the site of the existing Curtistene S. McCowan Park (formerly Meadow Creek Park) property. The Project will potentially construct an enclosed building footprint in the range of 70,000-80,000 GSF supporting program use for indoor recreation, fitness, wellness and indoor aquatics. The aquatics portion of the project will encompass a natatorium space with an indoor competitive pool (25m x 25yd), a separate indoor leisure pool and locker rooms as wet-side program spaces supporting community use, swim competition and training. The City of DeSoto retained SmithGroup as the Architect of Record ("Project Architect") for professional architectural engineering design services associated with this project including full design services beginning with PreDesign/Programming phase activities through Construction Administration. The PreDesign phase services by the Architect, which include program validation and concept planning began in May with Schematic Design expected to begin in July/August 2022. Construction Documents are anticipated to be completed by the Architect by July 2023 with Construction of the Project expected to be substantially complete by December 2023 for move-in and occupancy in January 2025. The CMaR will be an integral member of the project team which consists of representatives from the City of DeSoto, DeSoto Parks & Recreation, the project Architect/Engineer (Project Design Team), and other consultants, as determined by the City. Generally, it will be the responsibility of the construction manager to integrate the design and construction, utilizing the firm's skills and knowledge of general contracting to contribute to the successful development of the project during the design pre-construction phases. During the construction phase, the CM will be responsible for effecting construction of the project within the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) and providing all necessary construction services through trade contractors selected and as provided by the Agreement between Owner and Construction Manager at Risk. The CMaR Contract will be performed in three (3) phases, which will include Phase I - Pre-Construction Services, Phase II - Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), and Phase III - Construction Services. The first phase will be comprised of utilizing the conceptual design and developing preconstruction services through schematics design and a schematic budget estimate. The second phase will include the negotiation of the Guaranteed Maximum Price and the CM contract. The third and final phase will include the implementation project including permitting, project construction and construction closeout activities. Must submit a statement from an A- or better Surety Company licensed to do business in Texas attesting to the firm's bonding capacity to provide adequate performance and payment bonds for this project. In the event you believe that this information is proprietary, submit a single copy of the document(s) containing this information in a separate, sealed envelope marked "Confidential" together with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The Town will return all confidential, proprietary information to you at the termination of the selection process. If the above fifteen day requirement is not met, the City of Desoto has the right to reject this bid and award the contract to the next lowest bidder meeting specifications. If you have any questions concerning these requirements, please contact the Purchasing Manager (972) 230-9685


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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