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Site work for a water / sewer project in Center Township, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of March 9, 2022, the project has been awarded to Egolf Coates Excavation for $228,843.25. Porter Co. Storm Water Management Board, the Porter Co. Department of Development & Storm Water Management is seeking sealed bids for the project designated as Troon Subdivision - Storm Water Management System Improvements. The project is located along CR 700 N, between Meridian Rd. & Calumet Ave., in Troon Subdivision. The subdivision is located in Section 25, Township 36 North, Range 6 West, in Liberty Township, Porter County, Indiana. The project consists of the enhancement of the existing detention basin located within Troon Subdivision, including the installation of a bioretention area within the existing detention basin. The overall purpose of the project is to improve the performance, appearance, and safety of the existing detention basin, and enhance the storm water management services provided to the surrounding property owners by improving the area's storm water infrastructure. The project also includes the installation of storm sewer, via open trench construction, including stripping topsoil, excavation, bedding, laying storm sewer, placing initial backfill, haunching, placing final backfill, replacing topsoil, shaping, trimming, and finishing, and cleaning, inspecting, and testing; installation of storm sewer structures, including stripping topsoil, excavation, bedding, setting precast reinforced drainage structures, placing adjusting rings and castings, backfilling, replacing topsoil, shaping, trimming, and finishing, and cleaning. The project also includes other items incidental to the work, including tree protection, erosion and sediment control, clearing and tree removal, driveway cut and repair, and the restoration of areas disturbed during the performance of the work. The work includes the carrying out of all duties and obligations and the furnishing of all labor, material, tools, equipment, and other incidentals necessary or convenient to the successful completion of the project.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

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