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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Franklin, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.
Legal Advertisement Jim Black Road - Phase II and III Roadway Improvements CITY OF FRANKLIN, INDIANA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The City of Franklin, Indiana will receive bids for the Jim Black Road Phase II and III Roadway Improvements project, all in accordance with the Contract Documents, Construction Schedule, and Specifications. Bids will be received until 11:00 am, January 20, 2022, at the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer, City of Franklin, 70 East Monroe, P.O. Box 280, Franklin, Indiana 46131, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received at the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer during normal business hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, local time. All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City of Franklin Council Chambers at 11:00 am, local time, on January 20, 2022. The project shall reconstruct the roadway along Jim Black Road from approximately 1,400 feet north of SR 44 to McClain Drive in Phase II, and from McClain Drive to CR 100 N in Phase III. All work is specified in the Construction Schedule and Specifications for said project. Contract Documents will be on file no later than January 6, 2022 and may be examined at the following locations: City of Franklin 70 East Monroe Franklin, IN 46131 877.736.3631 317.736.5310 (Fax) Attn: Mark Richards Crossroad Engineers, P.C. 115 N. 17th Avenue Beech Grove, IN 46107 317.780.1555 317.780.6525 (Fax) Contract Documents may be purchased from Crossroad Engineers, 115 N. 17th Avenue, Beech Grove, IN, 46107. A $100.00 non-refundable charge will be required. The Proposal must be made on the forms provided in the Contract Documents. Each bid shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check, drawn on an acceptable bank, or an acceptable bidder's bond, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid, payable to the City of Franklin, Indiana. The City of Franklin, Indiana will hold a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting for the referenced project on January 11, 2022 at 9:00 am, at the Office of the City of Franklin, 70 East Monroe Street, Franklin, Indiana 46131. The bidder to whom a contract for work is awarded will be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond executed on the specified forms and acceptable to the City, in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract. The bidder must supply all the information required by the bid proposal form. Partial payment will be made monthly based on an approved payment request. The Contractor and all subcontractors will be required to comply with required Federal and State labor regulations including Equal Employment Opportunity, Non-segregated Facilities, and Affirmative Action requirements. The City of Franklin, Indiana, reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or parts there-of and to waive all responsibility for irregularities in bids. Bids may be held by the City of Franklin, Indiana, for a period of not to exceed sixty (60) days from the date of the opening of the bids for the purpose of reviewing the bids and the investigation of the qualifications of bidders, prior to awarding of the Contract. CITY OF FRANKLIN, INDIANA Earliest Date to Begin Work: April 1, 2022 Substantial Completion Date for Phase II: May 13, 2022 Substantial Completions Date for Phase III: July 23, 2022 Final Project Completion Date for Phase II: June 13, 2022 Final Project Completion Date for Phase III: August 23, 2022 The projectshall reconstruct Jim Black Road from approximately 1,400 feet north of SR 44 to McClain Drive in Phase I and McClain Drive to CR 100 N in Phase III. All work is specified in the Construction Schedule and Specifications for said project.
Roads / Highways
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
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January 20, 2022
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Jim Black Rd, Franklin, IN
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