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Published January 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Barbourville, Kentucky. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Improve safety, address geometric deficiencies and provide flood mitigation on KY 1487 (Manchester Street) from Judge Street to US 25E User Division - Highway Design Approximate Fee - $300,000 Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Services (Lump Sum) Project Funding - State Funds (SPP funds) Project Length - Approximately 0.807 miles The purpose of this project to is to improve safety, address geometric deficiencies and provide flood mitigation on KY 1487 from MP 0.369 to 1.176. This project is needed due to the many local residents that travel this route from and to town on a regular basis. Additionally, Union College, the Stivers Wellness Center and the National Guard Armory are all conveniently located near this entrance to Barbourville. In addition to improving overall safety of the route, the most pressing concern along this roadway is a single lane railroad underpass with insufficient sight distance in both directions with frequent flooding that causes road closures. This project is three tenths of a mile inside the city floodwall while approximately five tenths is outside the floodwall where flooding is an issue, along with a one lane railroad underpass with little to no sight distance either direction approaching the underpass. The selected consultant will be required to provide engineering services to perform Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Services. Preliminary Engineering includes surveying, line and grade plans, traffic engineering analysis as per Design Memo 03-11, preparation of engineering studies, identification of appropriate typical sections, identifying any utility impacts, performing preliminary drainage design, developing dependable cost estimates and conducting and preparing documents for public meetings. This project may be advanced to Final Design upon the completion of Preliminary Engineering with a Contract Modification. The selected Consultant will then be required to provide engineering services to perform Final Roadway, including the preparation of any design studies, drainage design, right-of-way plans, construction plans, traffic control plans, and cost estimates as well as any other services that KYTC chooses not to perform with in-house forces. First Selection Meeting: February 7, 2022 Final Selection: February 23, 2022 Pre-Design Conference: March 2, 2022 Consultant Fee Proposal: March 11, 2022 Contract Negotiations: March 23, 2022 Notice to Proceed: April 13, 2022 The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. KYDOT - RFP Engineering - Improve Safety, Address Geometric Deficiencies and Provide Flood Mitigation on Ky 1487 (Manchester Street) From Judge Street to US 25E


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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April 13, 2022


Ky-1487, Barbourville, KY

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