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Published January 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in English, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

For each line or class of materials used by the Crawford County Highway Department for the Year 2022. Item 1) Crushed Limestone (exception: see below) Item 2) Galvanized Culvert Pipe / Spiral Item 3) Bituminous and Bituminous Mix (exception: see below) Item 4 Patcher/Chip and Seal Oil (exception: see below) Item 5) Poly Pipe (Dual strength equal to a N-12) all sizes 12 inch and up The Crawford County Commissioners will review the bids at a public meeting to be held on February 8, 2022 at 4:00 pm in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Crawford County Judicial Complex. Bidder shall be able to fulfill the Contract at any time requested and in any amount requested. All bids must be made in compliance with the provisions of Statutes governing the purchase of supplies by the Board of Commissioners. All bids must be accompanied by a Non-Collusion Affidavit. No bids will be received or considered by the Board of Commissioners differing from the exact specifications approved by said board. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Each bidder will, as a guarantee of good faith, submit and deposit a bid bond if the bidder's principal place of business is in Indiana, a certified check if the bidder's principal place of business is not in the State of Indiana, subject to the approval of the Board in the sum of not less than $500.00 or 10% of the bid or whichever is greater as required by law when bidding, conditioned that bidder will promptly enter into the Contract if same be awarded to him and for the faithful performance of such Contract upon award of same. Bidder shall have the right to increase the Contract Unit Price in an amount equal to the bidders increase in the cost of materials and supplies occurring subsequent to the date on which such bid is submitted (herein after referred to as base date) to the Board having authority to award Contracts, any increase or decrease in the bidders cost of materials and supplies after the base date shall be determined monthly, and shall be verified by proper documents furnished to the responsible awarding Board which shall include proof of price to the bidder from the bidders source of supply. Escalation; in the event the successful bidder exercises as escalation clause the county reserves the right to seek additional or alternative bids. EXCEPTIONS TO BIDDERS: Bidders of items 1, 3 and 4 agree to provide items within two weeks of request by the county. EXCEPTIONS TO BIDDERS: Bidders must acknowledge that they are able and will to deliver Item #2 within 24 hours after notice by county for emergency needs. Bidders are required to include transportation cost (i.e. shipping, freight, hauling, etc.) for all items bid. Bidders for item #3: Asphalt, must meet State specifications. EXCEPTIONS TO BIDDERS: Bidders of #5 agree to provide the items within two weeks of request by the county. In the event that the successful bidder is unable to provide the item(s) within time specified, the bidder acknowledges and agrees that the county reserves the right to purchase item(s) and product from another source. Bidder of #5 shall submit a delivery price per district: District #1 - Marengo Barn District #2 - Eckerty Barn District #3 - Beechwood Barn EXCEPTIONS TO ALL BIDDERS: All bidders must acknowledge that they are able and willing to deliver item #5 within 24 hours' notice by the county for emergency needs. All bidders are required to include transportation cost (i.e. shipping, freight, hauling, etc.) for all items bid. The Commissioners evaluation of all bids shall include criteria such as inspection, testing, quality, workmanship, delivery availability and suitability for particular purpose in addition to the other evaluation criteria discussed in this document. The County reserves the right to award a contract for the purchase of sand, gravel, asphalt, paving materials or crushed stone to more than one responsible and responsive offeror given that the specifications allow for offers to be based on service to specific geographic areas and the contracts shall be awarded by geographic areas pursuant to IC 5-22-17-11. Moreover, the county reserves the right throughout the year to request bids and award contracts for paving materials and bituminous projects, and that such projects shall specifically detail the geographic area and the quantity of product sought for each project. The County reserves the right to reject any and all bids that fail to conform to the standards set forth herein. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept the bids to do a job separately.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, English, IN

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