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Published July 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a playground / park / athletic field in Layton, Utah. Completed plans call for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Layton City is inviting Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from qualified contractors to provide Construction Management / General Contractor (CMGC) services for the construction of two parks shop facilities at Ellison Park (located at 700 North 2200 West) and Commons Park (located at 465 North Wasatch Drive) in Layton, Utah 84041. The proposed site for the new park shop facility at Ellison Park would occupy an underutilized soccer field within the sports park. The site would be accessible from Cold Creek Way, north of Hill Field Road. The proposed park shop facility improvements at Commons Park are part of an existing park shop facility compound. This would be a phased expansion of this area, accessible from Constitution Circle, north of Wasatch Drive. The City has selected the services of Design West Architects (Architect) for the professional engineering, architectural, and landscape architectural design services for this project and the City now seeks to retain the services of a CMGC firm to join the project. The CMGC must work closely with Architect throughout the entire project. The relationship between the Architect and the CMGC is of utmost importance. The firm will be responsible for providing CMGC services as required for Pre-Construction Phase and Construction Phase services for the project. Pre-Construction phase services will include scheduling, cost estimating, constructability analysis, construction phasing, and document reviews. Construction Phase services will include assembling a team of qualified subcontractors to work directly for the CMGC, construction administration, and full responsibility for the successful completion of all construction. The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit sealed proposals and to establish a contract for the purchase of these services. The RFQ sets forth the instructions for submitting proposals, the procedure and criteria by which the City will select a CMGC firm, and the contractual terms by which the City proposes to govern the relationship between itself and the selected CMGC firm. All questions or requested clarifications shall be made in writing via email to the Project Manager no fewer than three (3) calendar days prior to the date and time set for opening proposals. No verbal requests or responses will be accepted. Significant interpretations or clarifications will be addressed via addenda to this RFQ. Any questions concerning the City's Request for Qualifications for the Layton City Parks Shop Facilities Project should be submitted to JoEllen Grandy, at 465 North Wasatch Drive, Layton, Utah 84041, via email at jgrandy@laytoncity.org or by calling (801)-336-3926. the date for questions or requested clarifications shall be June 23, 2022 due at 4:00 PM. ELLISON PARK SHOP FACILITY (700 North 2200 West): Improvements at the new Ellison Park Shop Facility include the following elements: a new warehouse building (with electricity for lighting purposes/outlets, non-heated); utilities stubbed into the yard for future connection as part of Phase II work later on; sidewalk connections/improvements; parking areas (road base); and additional landscaping / repairs to provide a buffering from the rest of the park to help screen its presence from the rest of the activities present in the park. A precast concrete perimeter fencewill already be set in place along the north, west and south sides of the yard. The east fence will need to be installed along with automatic gate openings and man gates. COMMONS PARK SHOP FACILITY (465 N. Wasatch Dr.): Improvements at the Commons Park Shop Facility include the expansion of the existing parks shop compound to accommodate the following new elements: canopy bays; soil pile areas; a new greenhouse; a new warehouse building (with electricity for lighting purposes/outlets, non-heated) to be located east of the existing fuel tank site area (Exhibit B is provided as a reference to the fuel tank construction site recently accomplished); a precast concrete perimeter fence (typical to the existing fence installed along the fuel tank site area) to enclose the yard along the south, east and west sides of the compound; automatic gate openings and man gates; sidewalk, curb and gutter; and additional landscaping to provide a buffering from the rest of the park to help screen its presence from the rest of the activities present in the parks. Demolition of an existing restroom facility and the clearing of existing trees will also be required.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Layton, UT

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