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Published March 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Washington, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Clearing and Grubbing - Lump Sum; Excavation, Class 10 - 3,900 CY; Subgrade Preparation, (12" Thick) - 9,810 SY; Subbase, Modified - 9,810 SY; Compaction Testing - Lump Sum; Trench Foundation - 50 TON; Trench Compaction Testing (Water Main & Storm Sewer) - Lump Sum; Storm Sewer Trenched, PVC, 8" - 20 LF; Storm Sewer Trenched, 12" - 36 LF; Storm Sewer Trenched, 15" - 607 LF; Storm Sewer Trenched, 18" - 88 LF; Storm Sewer Trenched, 24" - 50 LF; Removal of Storm Sewer, All Types, <= 24" - 885 LF; Subdrain (Longitudinal), 4" - 5,005 LF; Subdrain Outlets and Connections, 4" or 6" - 25 EA.; Storm Sewer Service Stub, PVC, 4" - 200 LF; Water Main, Trenched, PVC, 4" - 20 LF; Water Main, Trenched, PVC, 6" - 35 LF; Water Main, Trenched, PVC, 8" - 1,550 LF; Water Main, Trenchless, RJ (Restrained Joint) DIP, 8" - 120 LF; Water Service Pipe, Type K Copper, 1" - 300 LF; Water Service Corporation, 1" - 8 EA; Water Service Curb Stop and Box, 1" - 8 EA; Gate Valve, 4" - 1 EA; Gate Valve, 8" - 6 EA; Tapping Valve Assembly, 4" x 4" - 1 EA; Tapping Valve Assembly, 12" x 8" - 1 EA; Fire Hydrant Assembly - 5 EA; Fire Hydrant Assembly Removal - 3 EA; Valve Box Removal - 4 EA; Water Main Connection No. 1 - Lump Sum; Water Main Connection No. 2 - Lump Sum; Water Main Connection No. 3 - Lump Sum; Water Main Connection No. 4 - Lump Sum; Water Main Connection No. 5 - Lump Sum; Water Main Connection No. 6 - Lump Sum; Water Main Connection No. 7 - Lump Sum; Lower Existing Water Main - 1 EA; Manhole, SW-401, 48" Dia. - 1 EA; Manhole, SW-401, 60" Dia. - 1 EA; Manhole, SW-402, 4' x 6' - 1 EA; Intake, SW-501 - 6 EA; Intake, SW-502, 48" Dia. - 1 EA; Intake, SW-503 - 2 EA; Intake, SW-503, Modified - 1 EA; Intake, SW-504, Modified - 2 EA; Intake, SW-512, Case 1, 18" Riser - 2 EA; Manhole Adjustment, Minor - 14 EA; Intake Adjustment, Minor - 1 EA; Connection to Existing Manhole - 2 EA; Remove Manhole - 3 EA; Remove Intake - 4 EA; Connection to Existing RCAP - 1 EA; Pavement, PCC, 7" Thick - 8,750 SY; PCC Pavement Samples and Testing - Lump Sum; Removal of Sidewalk - 25 SY; Removal of Driveway - 407 SY; Removal of Curb - 7 LF; Sidewalk, PCC, 4" Thick - 703 SY; Sidewalk, PCC, 6" Thick - 871 SY; Detectable Warnings - 134 SF; Driveway, Paved, PCC, 6" Thick - 654 SY; Driveway, Granular (Class 'A' Crushed Stone, IDOT Gradation No. 11) - 5 TON; Pavement Removal - 5,402 SY; Temporary Traffic Control - Lump Sum; Hydraulic Seeding, Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching - Lump Sum; SWPPP Preparation - Lump Sum; SWPPP Management - Lump Sum; Silt Fence - 1,000 LF; Silt Fence, Removal of Sediment - 1,000 LF; Silt Fence, Removal of Device - 1,000 LF; and Mobilization - Lump Sum. The work under the proposed contract shall be fully completed and ready for final payment in 100 working days. It is anticipated the Notice to Proceed will be issued no later than May 1, 2022.

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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March 8, 2022

May 1, 2022


W Adams St, Washington, IA

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