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Published May 6, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Holly Springs, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

As of May 5,2022, project was over budget and not awarded. There are no any plans to rebid in the near future Introduction The Town of Holly Springs seeks proposals from qualified contractors for a renovation project at the Law Enforcement Center. The project consists of the fit-up/interior alterations of existing space on the second floor of the building, the work includes new interior partitions, cabinetry, doors, ceilings, finished, and PME and FP construction. All work must be performed per the construction drawings by RGG Architects, included with this proposal request. The project has two phases. Although, it is the Town's desire to complete both phases at once, the bids will ultimately determine if phasing the project is necessary. Therefore, a separate cost for each phase is required with the proposal. All work must be consistent and compatible with Town of Holly Springs standards and regulations. Interested contractors must have demonstrated experience with renovation projects, especially with buildings that are occupied by staff during construction. Work schedule will be coordinated with the selected contractor and the Town of Holly Law Enforcement Department to ensure there is moderate disruption of work and that sensitive/protective areas within the facility are not compromised. Background The Law Enforcement Center is located at 750 Holy Springs Road, in Holly Springs, North Carolina. The 28,000-sf facility was built in 2015 and houses all of the Town's police operations, including 911, investigation, and patrol, etc. Submittal and Review Process 1. Applicant questions: All questions regarding the RFP shall be submitted in writing to Kimberly Keyes, Facilities Project Manager, at kimberly.keyes@hollyspringsnc.gov and Brent Quick, Purchasing Manager, at brent.quick@hollyspringsnc.gov. 2. Submittal Deadline: Late submittals will not be accepted. The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or to alter the selection process in any lawful way, to postpone the selection process for its own convenience at any time, and to waive any non-substantive defects in this RFP or the proposal The Town reserves the right to negotiate with other qualified persons or firms, or to solicit additional statements of qualifications at any point in the project should it fail to negotiate a reasonable fee with the initially selected person or firm or should that firm fail to execute the Town's Agreement. February 25th Final Questions to be submitted by 4:00. March 1st Responses to Questions Issued.

Project Abandoned

Fire / Police


Public - City


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March 7, 2022

May 7, 2022


750 Holly Springs Rd, Holly Springs, NC

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