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Published March 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Brookings, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.
All Schedules Combined $970,000 - $1,190,000 Both Additive Alternates Combined $275,000 to $335,000. 1. Schedule A - Avenue Water Line Improvements a. Construct new water line improvements along Avenue from the intersection of Avenue and Parkview Drive to approximately 1,250 feet South. b. Work includes the following main items: 1. Installation of approximately 1,285 lineal feet (lf) of 8-inch C900 PVC water line, 100 lineal feet (lf) of water service line, and various other water line types and sizes as required for the improvements as shown on the Plans. 2. Various water line appurtenances including gate valves, fittings, service lines, and connections. 3. Modify existing Pressure Reduction Valve (PRV) vault piping, providing new 8-inch Pressure Reduction Valve, 8-inch Gate Valves, various fittings, piping, and piping supports. Modification also includes removing and relocating existing 4-inch Pressure Reduction Valve, 4-inch gate valves, and reconfiguring the existing parts and new parts as shown on the Plans. Modification also includes relocation of existing fire hydrant and fire hydrant valve. 4. Remove from service, demolish, and restore site for existing Avenue Pump Station #2 as shown on the Plans. 5. Other work includes ac pavement removal and replacement, and landscaping. 2. Schedule B - Alder Street Water Line Improvements a. Construct new water line improvements along Alder Street from Memory Lane to Railroad Street. b. Work includes the following main items: 1. Installation of approximately 1,530 lineal feet (lf) of 8-inch C900 PVC water line, 580 lineal feet (lf) of water service line, and various other water line types and sizes as required for the improvements as shown on the Plans. 2. Various water line appurtenances including gate valves, fire hydrants, fittings, service lines and connections. 3. Other work includes removal and replacement of sanitary sewer service laterals (if required), ac pavement removal and replacement, and landscaping. 3. Schedule C - Memory Lane Water Line Improvements a. Construct new water line improvements along Memory Lane from Cove Road to Alder Street. b. Work includes the following main items: 1. Installation of approximately 1,320 lineal feet (lf) of 8-inch C900 PVC water line, 550 lineal feet (lf) of water service line, and various other water line types and sizes as required for the improvements as shown on the Plans. 2. Various water line appurtenances including hot tap sleeve and valve, gate valves, blow offs, fire hydrants, fittings, service lines and connections. 3. Other work includes removal and replacement of sanitary sewer service laterals (if required), concrete removal and replacement, curb & gutter removal and replacement, ac pavement removal and replacement, and landscaping. B. Additive Alternates 1. Additive Alternate 1 - Alder Street Inlay a. Construct new asphalt concrete pavement inlay along Alder Street from Memory Lane to Railroad Street. b. Work includes the following main items: 1. Roadway improvements along Alder Street including approximately 3,600 square yards of cold plane pavement removal, 450 square yards of repair area, and 500 tons of asphalt concrete. 2. Other work includes demolition work, aggregate base, water valve adjustments, stop bars, striping, and other miscellaneous items. 2. Additive Alternate 2 - Memory Lane Inlay a. Construct new asphalt concrete pavement inlay along Memory Lane from Cove Road to Alder Street. b. Work includes the following main items: 1. Roadway improvements along Alder Street including approximately 5,380 square yards of cold plane pavement removal, 900 square yards of repair area, and 720 tons of asphalt concrete. 2. Other work includes demolition work, aggregate base, water valve adjustments, manhole adjustments, striping, and other miscellaneous items.
Bid Results
Water / Sewer
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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