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Published April 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Bourne, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Contract Award Date: Apr 04, 2022 Contract Award Number: W912WJ22P0060 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: EXWGCHL81MX6 Contractor Awarded Name: LAWRENCE-LYNCH MATERIALS CORP. Contractor Awarded Address: Falmouth, MA 02540-2912 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $158135.00 Scope of work Furnish all labor, equipment, materials, and services to replace deteriorated sections of existing bituminous pavement on a service road at the Cape Cod Canal Project. Work includes saw cutting and full depth excavation of existing deteriorated bituminous pavement layers 7.5 inches deep, installation of new subbase material and new hot mix asphalt pavement consistent with MassDOT Standard Specifications. Work includes pavement replacement at six separate work areas on the North Service Road located in the Town of Bourne, Massachusetts. Table 1 shows the pavement replacement work areas. Table 1: Area A - 4,060 sq ft of pavement (290 ft long x 14 ft wide), between Stations 300-295 Area B - 2,170 sq ft of pavement (155 ft long x 14 ft wide), between Stations 210-205 Area C - 728 sq ft of pavement ( 52 ft long x 14 ft wide), between Stations 205-200 Area D - 1,554 sq ft of pavement (111 ft long x 14 ft wide), between Stations 150-145 Area E - 4,425 sq ft of pavement (295 ft long x 15 ft wide), between Stations 150-145 Area F - Work at this area includes 10,275 sq ft of pavement replacement, excavation, regrading work with installation of new subbase material and resetting of two drain inlets and one manhole cover. The drain inlet castings and concrete manhole cover will be government furnished. At all repair areas, the work includes all barriers, flashing barricade lights, signage, flaggers, and police details to protect the public during fieldwork. At all repair areas, work includes removal of excavated materials and proper disposal or recycling. Line striping of the new pavement areas is not included in contract work. New line striping will be performed by the Government. The general location of the North Service Road at the Canal Project is shown on Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the locations of each work area, points of access gates onto the service road, and storage areas. The work areas are located on the North Service Road within a park on federal property in the Town of Bourne, MA. The road is closed to motorized vehicles and used extensively by the public for recreational activities. Access for construction vehicles is limited to existing access gates. Storage and equipment staging areas are limited due to space limitations on the service road. The service road must be clear for safe pedestrian, bike, and vehicular travel each night and whenever construction work is not occurring. The limits of each repair area will be marked with paint by the Government. The north service road can be W912WJ22Q0054 Page 6 of 50 closed completely to vehicular and pedestrian traffic each day when work is ongoing. At least one lane shall be open for vehicular traffic each night after work hours. (See Information Photos 1-6) THE WORK CONSISTS OF: Furnish all labor, equipment, materials, and services to replace deteriorated sections of existing bituminous pavement on a service road at the Cape Cod Canal Project. Work includes saw cutting and full depth excavation of existing deteriorated bituminous pavement layers 7.5 inches deep, installation of new subbase material and new hot mix asphalt pavement consistent with MassDOT Standard Specifications. Work includes pavement replacement at six separate work areas on the North Service Road located in the Town of Bourne, Massachusetts. This procurement is set-aside for small business vendors. The applicable NAICS code is 237310 with a Small Business Size Standard of $39.5 Million. ALL OFFERORS MUST HAVE AN ACTIVE REGISTRATION IN SAM.GOV AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED. ANY OFFEROR THAT DOES NOT HAVE AN ACTIVE SAM.GOV REGISTRATION WILL BE REJECTED AS NON RESPONSIVE. Site visits may be arranged during normal duty hours by contacting: Name: David D' Angelo Address: david.m.dangelo@usace.army.mil Telephone: 978-318-8507 The Contractor shall be required to (a) commence work under this contract within 10 calendar days after the date the Contractor receives the notice to proceed, (b) prosecute the work diligently, and (c) complete the entire work ready for use not later than 210 days from Notice to Proceed. The time stated for completion shall include final cleanup of the premises. Site Visits The North Service Road is open to the public with non-motorized vehicles at any time. Vendors can inspect the existing conditions at any time with non-motorized vehicles. No extra payment will be allowed for perceived additional work caused by unfamiliarity with site conditions and requirements. To arrange a site visit, contact David D'Angelo at (978) 318- 8507 or david.m.dangelo@usace.army.mil the Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) for this project INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS *SITE VISITS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED PRIOR TO PROVIDING A QUOTE. SEE CLAUSE 52.236-27 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. *PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO FRED E. RILEY AT (978) 318-8256 or FRED.E.RILEY@USACE.ARMY.MIL. ANY INFORMATION RECEIVED AT THE SITE VISIT WHICH CONFLICTS WITH THIS SOLICITAION SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF FRED RILEY.THE SOLICITATION AND RESULTING CONTRACT SHALL BE THE GOVERNING DOCUMENT IN ALL CASES. **QUOTES CAN BE E-MAILED TO FRED RILET AT FRED.E.RILEY@USACE.ARMY.MIL. NOTE 1: In accordance with FAR Part 28.101-1(c), the Contractor will NOT be required to provide a Bid Guarantee. NOTE 2: In accordance with FAR Part 28.102-1(b), the Contractor will be required to provide the following payment protections for all construction contracts greater than $150,000.00.


Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work

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March 17, 2022

April 18, 2022


Service Rd, Bourne, MA

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