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Published April 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Stuttgart, Arkansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Stuttgart School District is accepting bids for a turn key project to purchase and install a 3 phase backup generator for the Stuttgart School District Administration Building. A non-collusion bid affidavit must be included with the bid. Any bid at or above $35,000 must include a 5% bid bond with the bid. 1. Generator must be rated for at least 45 kw. Fuel will be natural gas. 2. Auto transfer switch 3. Must be 3 phase 4. 8" concrete pad of the proper dimensions for generator placement 5. 2 Concrete filled barricade poles to protect generator 6. Bid must include all necessary electrical equipment (supplies, conduit, wiring, etc.) and labor costs. 7. Bid must include all necessary natural gas plumbing equipment (supplies, piping, etc.) and labor costs. Note: To meet all building gas needs (current with the additional generator PSI requirements) existing regulators may need to be replaced to meet this increased demand (service provider regulator at street and building riser regulator). 8. System will be configured that when a power failure is detected on incoming service from Entergy, the backup generator will automatically sense failure and begin functions to restore service. There should be no user intervention required to initiate power restoration by the generator. 9. Generator should be configured to perform periodic testing to ensure that the system will be ready to provide power when necessary.




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To Be Determined, Stuttgart, AR

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