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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Albertville, Quebec. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference number : 1576180 Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2022-03-11 Submission sent electronically accepted: No Notice is hereby given that the MRC de La Matapédia and the Municipality of Albertville are requesting offers of professional soil and materials engineering services - quality control and work supervision - for the work to be carried out under the supervision of the MRC's municipal engineering department in the summer of 2022 and the Rang 5 south and north project in Albertville. In addition to the quality control and work supervision mandate, the firm will have to carry out a geotechnical study for each of the following projects: Roads on rue St-Pierre and rue des Cèdres, municipality of Val-Brillant Roads rank 5 and 6, municipality of Ste Irène The responsibilities of the service provider include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following tasks: Qualification of materials; Revision of mix formulas; Inspection of foundation courses; Verification of the compaction of the cushion, coating, infrastructure, sub-base, foundation and other fill; Testing and analysis of backfill materials; Asphalt sampling; Verification of the compaction and thicknesses of the bituminous mix; Sampling of bituminous mixes to verify compliance with standards and specifications; Engineer's final report Supervision of road repairs, laying of culverts, paving; Lot sampling; Material compliance monitoring; Drilling and recommendations (geotechnical study). Any preparation or related activity necessary to obtain the results mentioned or intended must be considered as an integral part of the contract. Warranty: No bid security is required for this project. Presentation and submission of tenders Tenders must be submitted on the forms and be accompanied by the required documents. Bid must be submitted in two (2) envelopes. These must be sealed and distinct, bearing the respective mentions: No. 1 Service offer No. 2 Price offer Envelope #2 must be included in Envelope #1. By submitting its bid, the bidder accepts the terms, conditions and specifications of the tender documents. The MRC and the municipalities do not undertake to accept the lowest tender or any of the tenders received or opened, nor to pay any fees. They undertake no obligation of any kind towards the tenderer(s). Therefore, the tenderer is advised that following the opening of the tenders, a municipality may withdraw from the call for tenders if the price submitted by the tenderer exceeds the estimated cost of these work, carried out by a professional, The deadline for receiving submissions is from February 25 to March 24, 2022. The method of contractor selection has not determined at this time.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 23, 2022


Multiple Locations, Albertville, QC

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