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Published July 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a sidewalk / parking lot in Mogollon, New Mexico. Working plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot.

As per the Owner the project has been cancelled. Editorial Content Team is actively seeking updated information Title: Construction - NMDOT Catwalk Description: The work is comprised of, but not necessarily limited to, furnishing labor, equipment, supplies and materials to reconstruct and modify the catwalk trail at 4 different sites as described in the contract drawings and these specifications. Site 1 shall consist of a gabion wall to rebuild the trail with a pre-manufactured green fiberglass bridge which shall match the exiting catwalk theme in design to connect the new trail on the gabions wall to the existing trail. The gabions shall be anchored to the existing wall to ensure stability. Handrails shall be extended but not attached to bridge and painted brown to match existing handrails. Site 2 shall consist of anchors and a grab chain which shall be installed along the path as described in the drawings. Included shall also be straightening and re-welding the existing pipe handrail onsite. All handrails shall be painted brown to match existing handrails. Site 3 shall consist of new construction of rock / concrete steps with handrail per the drawings. Handrails to be painted brown to match other handrails at catwalk. Finally, site 7 shall encompass demolition of the existing piers and bridge as described in the drawings. Location: Catwalk Trail near Glenwood, NM. Coordinates: 33.3763 N, -108.8348 W Site visit: Is not expected Bidders should visit the site and acquaint themselves with all existing conditions. Prior to bidding, bidders may make their own investigations to satisfy themselves as to site and conditions, but all such investigations shall be performed only under time schedules and arrangements approved in advance by the COR. Contracting Officer's Representative (COR): Harley Allsup Phone: 520-404-3728 Email: Harley.allsup@usda.gov Basis for Award: The Government Anticipates awarding a Firm Fixed-Price Contract using RFP Best Value-Tradeoffs: Award will be made to the offer that meets or exceeds the requirements contained herein, at the price that is most advantageous to the government will be determined to be the best value. Price reasonableness will be determined by using competitive solicitation process. This is a 100% Small Business Set-Aside. The Small business Size Standard is 237990 - Other Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction 39.5M. Magnitude of Construction Project: Between $100,000 and $250,000. Davis-Bacon wages apply. Payment and Performance bonds are required. Contact: Michelle Bahr, Contract Specialist (928) 333-6278 michelle.l.bahr@usda.gov The solicitation package, plans, and specifications will be made available on or after February 17, 2022, and will be posted at https://sam.gov In order to be eligible for award of a Federal Contract, potential vendors need to already be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) www.sam.gov Offer Submissions: Offerors shall submit the Return Packet with the required information from Section M of the solicitation. Offers or responses to the solicitation (include the solicitation number in the name of the document) may be sent to the Contracting officer by email: michelle.l.bahr@usda.gov before the deadline. Response Deadline has been Extened to: May 3, 2022 @ 13:00 MT *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

Final Planning

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


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To Be Determined, Mogollon, NM

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