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Published August 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Wilmington, Delaware. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

A. Delivery of Purchased Items or Services Name: Kevin Smith Location: Central Office Address: 400 North Walnut Street City: Wilmington State: DE Zip Code: 19801 Phone Number: 302-429-6701x1084 Fax Number: E-mail: kmsmith@whadelaware.org Q/A Cutoff Date: 07/27/2022 Q/A Cutoff Time: 02:00 PM CDT The work included in this project will require an interruption of domestic cold and hot water to the apartments. All interruptions of service shall be coordinated, reviewed with and approved by the Wilmington Housing Authority prior to the domestic water service being interrupted to any portion of the building. The work on this project is the first phase of a domestic water piping replacement project at Herlihy Apartments and will consist of the following: 1. Prior to beginning work measure the water pressure immediately downstream of the domestic water booster pumps. Submit a report summarizing the pressure to the Engineer for review. 2. While keeping the existing domestic water system in service, install the new cold water, hot water and hot water return mains on the Ground Floor. Provide cold water, hot water and hot water return capped branch connections with shut-off valves for each riser location. 3. Install the new soffit on the Ground Floor to conceal the new cold water, hot water, and hot water return mains. 4. Connect the new cold water, hot water and hot water return mains to the existing piping in the Boiler Room with new shutoff valves in the new mains. 5. Proceeding with one (1) set of domestic water risers at a time, remove portions of the existing walls, furniture, cabinets, equipment, etc. to allow access to the risers on each floor level. Any furniture, cabinets, equipment, etc. that are removed to allow access to the new risers shall be stored, kept free from damage, and prepped for re-installation following completion of the new work. 6. While keeping the existing domestic water system in service, install the new domestic water risers from the Ground Floor up through the 9 th Floor. Install capped branch connections with shut-off valves for the domestic cold and hot water connections at each floor level. In addition to the shutoff valves for the outlets on the 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th Floors, include pressure reducing valve assemblies. 7. Connect the new piping risers to the new cold, hot and hot water return mains on the Ground Floor. 8. Repair existing portions of the walls that were removed for the new work to match existing construction and finishes. Re-install all furniture, cabinets, equipment, etc. that were removed for the new work. 9. Proceed with the next riser. 10. The work in this phase will be completed once all new domestic water piping mains and all new domestic water piping risers have been installed.




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320 E 5th St, Wilmington, DE

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