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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Maynard, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Well 4 Water Treatment Plant Upgrades - Phase 1 - class of work: i. Sewage and Water Treatment Plants Work Included: Construction of the Well 4 Water Treatment Plant Upgrades & Development of Well 4A Wellfield. The major proposed work under this contract includes but is not limited to: 1. Work at the Well 4 Water Treatment Plant site is described as follows and as detailed in the drawings: a. Civil site work including earthwork, site process piping, site sampling piping, site utilities, flow meter structure, leachfield & septic system improvements, and improvements to the existing drywell; b. Electrical systems including conduit and wiring to supply power to flow meter vault and building and conduit run for future wire pulls. 2. Work at the Well 4A Well Field is described as follows and as detailed in the drawings: a. Civil site work including earthwork, horizontal directional drilling (HDD) for both the water main and electrical conduit, access roadway improvements, site security and fencing,well field process piping, development of four new wells with weld on pitless adapters, siten sampling piping, sampling cabinet, and site utilities; all work to be completed in accordance with Turtle Protection Plan. b. Electrical systems including conduit run for future wire pulls. 3. Bid Alternate 1 - Addition of Backwash Waste Holding Tank: a. Civil site work including earthwork, backwash waste holding tank, and all associated site piping. b. Electrical systems including conduit run for future wire pulls. Contractor Qualification DCAMM Certificate General Bid Deadline 6/30/22 Time 2:00 P.M. Timeframe: The time for completion of this contract is 200 calendar days Location: The Well 4 Water Treatment Plant Upgrades - Phase 1 project is located at various sites throughout the Town of Maynard, Massachusetts including: 1. Well 4 Water Treatment Plant located at 3 Tiger Drive, Maynard, MA 01754 2. Well 4A Well Field located at 0 Dettling Road, Maynard, MA 01754 Bid results 07 53 23 Roofing and Flashing - Rockwell Roofing, Inc. - $147,000.00 09 96 00 Painting - Keltic Painting - $63,470.00 23 00 00 HVAC - Waterline Industries Corp - $307,677.00 26 00 00 Electrical Work - Waterline Industries Corp.- $1,207,677.00

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Water / Sewer


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