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Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Eugene, Oregon. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

The County seeks proposals for the design, construction, and operation of a new material recovery facility(ies) for the County. This RFP is for Phase 1 of the project: conceptual facility designs from Proposers, including planning level capital and per ton operating costs, with the objective of identifying and selecting qualified firm(s) capable of developing a facility for increasing recovery of targeted materials. This is in support of the Countywide goal of achieving 63% landfill waste diversion by 2025. The County had a 53.8% recovery rate in 2018, as reported in 20201 . Based on the County's review of proposals the County may select one or more Proposers to participate in Phase 2 of the procurement process, which will involve the development of detailed facility design and cost projections. The County is interested in receiving conceptual Phase 1 proposals for any or all of the following types of processing facilities: Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Processing; Organic Materials Processing; and Mixed Waste Processing. In addition to proven processing facility types as described above, other technologies that can cost-effectively meet or exceed the Countywide landfill waste diversion goal of 63% will also be considered. If an alternative technology is proposed, Proposers must develop and submit all Proposal Forms listed in Attachment F for all such alternative technologies. Questions regarding this Request for Proposals are to be submitted in writing to Jeffrey Orlandini, Waste Management Division Manager email: Legal Compliance and History. Describe all civil legal actions with government agencies or current/former facility owners now pending or which have occurred in the past ten (10) years with the potential liability or actual damages greater than $50,000; any actions involving allegations or findings of bribery or public corruption; and all criminal legal actions now pending or that have occurred in the past ten (10) years against the entity submitting the RFP and any parent or affiliated company for actions filed in the United States. The County may reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed proposal procedures, requirements, rules, or laws, and may reject for good cause any and all proposals upon the County's finding that it is in the public interest to do so.




Public - County

New Construction, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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