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Published March 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a residential development in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the demolition of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.

The Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation On behalf of Philadelphia Authority of Industrial Development Request for Proposals for Civil Engineering Services For the Demolition at 4910 Botanic Avenue The Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation On behalf of Philadel-phia Authority of Industrial Development Bid for Construction Services For the Demo-lition at 4910 Botanic Avenue Bids are due February 16, 2023, 4:00 p.m. Mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be held virtually on January 30, 2023, 10:00 a.m. To register, contact Monica Trudeau (mtrudeau@pidcphila. com) Bid Documents to purchase at: ARC Document Solu-tions, 417 North 8th St, Suite 402, Philadelphia, PA 19123. iship-arch@e-arc.com, 215-563-7600 All questions due to Monica Trudeau, P.E. via email (mtrudeau@pidcphila.com) by Monday,February 6, 2023 at 4:00 PM. The scope of work includes the demolition and removal of all building elements including but not limited to walls, columns, beams, joists, elevated slabs, floor slabs and roofs of all structures identified on the Contract Drawings for demolition and removal. All existing building pads will be broken but remain in place to allow surface drainage. Specifically, the following buildings and structures are to be demolished: Building 1 - a single story metal building along with the building pad. Building 2 - a three and one-half story masonry and metal frame building. Building 3 - a steel frame building with a concrete deck. Both the building and deck are to be demolished. The metal ramp adjacent to and east of Building 3. The concrete ramp adjacent to and west of Building 3. Building 4 - a two story brick building along with the building pad. Building 5 - a two story brick building along with the building pad. Building 6 - a single story masonry building along with the building pad. Buildings 7A and 7B - single story masonry buildings along with the building pads. Building 8 - a three story brick building along with the building pad. Building 9 - a two story masonry building along with the building pad. Building 10 - an office trailer (to be removed). Remove pavement adjacent to and west of Building 1 to the entrance. Canopy, pump, and steps - north of Building 1. Canopy and pump - in the northeast corner of the site. In addition, all overgrown vegetation is to be cleared, but not grubbed. All structures as specified on the Contract drawings are to be removed to one (1) foot below grade as indicated on the Contract Drawings. In addition, if any floor slab is supported by wooden piles, these shall be cut to one (1) foot below grade. MBE Ranges - 17% - 22% And WBE Ranges - 11% - 16%


Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Demolition, Site Work




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February 16, 2023

March 20, 2023


4910 Botanic Ave, Philadelphia, PA

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