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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Paola, Kansas. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway. Miami County commissioners, at their April 6 meeting, awarded the contract portion of the county’s 2022 road rehabilitation project to apparent low bidder Superior Bowen Asphalt Company for $2,077,412.53. The mill and overlay projects that Superior Bowen is now tasked with completing this summer are at the following locations: Metcalf Road, from 287th Street to about one-half mile south of 335th Street 335th Street, from Metcalf Road to U.S. Highway 69 247th Street, from U.S. Highway 69 to State Line Road Old Kansas City Road, from U.S. Highway 169 north to the Osawatomie city limits. Matt Oehlert, project manager with Road and Bridge, told commissioners the winning bid is higher than the $1,836,173.16 budgeted for the contract work — creating a deficit of $241,239.37. When design and construction engineering costs are factored in, the project swells to $2,108,000. Chair Rob Roberts asked Oehlert how Road and Bridge planned to cover the overage. Oehlert said when the revenue sources for the contract and in-house portions of the 2022 asphalt program are combined, the county has enough money to cover the deficit. The in-house project — including overlay, chip and seal, patching and road oil — is $1,578,740. Together, the contract and in-house projects total $3,686,740, he said. Oehlert said the budget line items available for the road rehabilitation program are: asphalt, $2,950,000; cash carry over, $250,000; transfers, $450,000, and federal funds exchange, $220,000. Together, those line items total $3,870,000. The project manager told commissioners the 2022 asphalt program has a slim cushion of $183,260. _____________________ The Contractor is notified that the project time limit is 30 working days to Substantial Completion. The contract time from Substantial Completion to Final Completion shall be 10 working days. The earliest date to begin construction shall be May 2, 2022 with the latest commencement date of September 6, 2022. All bidders shall verify that they have considered all written addenda. Neither the County nor the Consulting Engineer shall be responsible for oral instructions. Sealed bids for MIAMI COUNTY PROJECT NO. 22-01-CO (690) will be received by Miami County, Kansas, at the Miami County Purchasing Office, 201 S. Pearl, Suite 200, Paola, Kansas 66071 until 9:00 A.M., local time on March 31, 2022. At that time all sealed bids will be transferred to the County Commission Chamber, Administration Building, where they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after the designated closing time will be returned unopened. Any written addenda issued during the time of bidding shall be covered and included in the bid. There will be no clarifications or exceptions allowed on the Bid. Bids are for a total package total contract price. Bids shall be made upon the form provided in ink or typewritten. Numbers shall be stated both in writing and in figures; the signature shall be long hand; and the complete form shall be without alteration or erasure. On alternate items for which a bid is not submitted, a written of "no bid" on the form is required. No oral, telegraphic, facsimile or telephone bids or alterations will be accepted or considered. The following items must be included in the sealed envelope with the bid: a. Bid b. 5% Bid Security--Bid Bond, Cashier's Check or Certified Check Each Bidder shall file with its bid a bid bond, a cashier's check or a certified check drawn on any acceptable bank, make payable to Miami County, Kansas, in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total bid, which shall be retained by Miami County until a Contract for the project has been executed. Bid Bonds will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders, with the exception of the second qualifying bidder, at such time as their bids are rejected. The bid deposit of the successful bidder and the second qualifying bidder will be returned with satisfactory bonds in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract amount, required insurance certificates and other required documents shall have been furnished and the Contract Documents have been executed. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive any technicalities or irregularities therein. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by written request of the bidder received in the Miami County Purchasing Office, prior to the time and date for bid opening; provided however, that no bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of thirty (30) days from the date set for the opening thereof.


Roads / Highways


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Paving, Site Work

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March 31, 2022

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Multiple Locations, Paola, KS

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