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Published March 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Ogunquit, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Scope of Work The Consultant will conduct the following minimum tasks. The Town strongly encourages proposers to expand on these tasks, to provide detail on how they are to be accomplished, to recommend which tasks require greater emphasis, and to suggest additional tasks not identified in this RFP that may be necessary or beneficial. Public Engagement and Communications. Public participation is essential to this planning effort and must include an outreach and public participation process designed to engage the public and specific stakeholders in visioning the future of the Town. Public participation should include other means of outreach beyond just public meetings and embraces property owners who are not full-time residents. Many Ogunquit taxpayers do not have a local address, the chosen team will be prepared to engage property owners who may only be present in Town for a portion of the year. The consultant is expected to facilitate all public meetings and outreach. Significant public input will be required throughout the process. We anticipate that a number of public meetings will be held in order to seek the opinions and views of the public at large, report on progress as the Plan develops, solicit comments on specific ideas or concepts, and identify problems or barriers that must be acknowledged and overcome. Public involvement in the planning process and acceptance of the final plan is critical to the success of this effort, and respondents should explain their approach and public participation plan in detail in their responses. Comprehensive Plan Development. The consultant will serve as the primary drafter of the Plan and shall update research and develop materials for the comprehensive plan, including but not limited to: A baseline review of existing plans and relevant information, including the existing Comprehensive Plan, Housing Needs Assessment, Land Use Ordinance, codes and policies, demographic and census data, and other information relevant to the required plan elements. An existing condition inventory and projected needs analysis, including a population analysis, existing land use and capital facilities (water, sewer, transportation, recreation, open space, and other elements of the Town's infrastructure.) assessment, and residential/commercial growth patterns; and a projection of Ogunquit's population and housing trends to 2030. -Work with stakeholders to develop a vision for Ogunquit and collaborate with Town staff and the CPC to translate this vision into goals, policies and strategies to guide the Town for the next 10 years and beyond. - Work with staff and the CPC to develop goals, policies, and strategies to guide Ogunquit for the next decade and beyond. - Draft a new Comprehensive Plan for Town Meeting adoption. Consultant will ensure compliance and consistency with MSRA Title 30-A and Chapter 208 of the State of Maine's Comprehensive Plan Revision Criteria Rule. -Plan shall be organized in a very user-friendly format embodying good graphic design, including maps and charts, and highlight community sustainability. - Provide digital, editable, and printable copies of all final documents including reports, maps, and final plan. Final plan shall be in a format that is user friendly in both an electronic and paper format such as interactive PDFs and E-Books. Mapping should be provided in a form compatible with the Town of Ogunquit's GIS. An adequate number of hard copies of maps (scale to be agreed upon) and draft final documents should be provided to facilitate review and support by the Planning Board, Select Board, staff, and CPC. - Specific attention shall be given to: Year-round population growth, natural resource protection, art, climate change/sea level rise, local fishing /lobstering industry preservation and reduction of municipal energy use. Project Management and Responsibilities The consultant will be responsible for working closely with the CPC and Town staff. It is expected that individuals who are present for interviews with the Town would be the same individuals that would be doing the actual work. The Land Use Director will serve as the primary contact and coordinator between the town, the CPC, and the successful firm. Other Town staff will be available as necessary. The CPC will serve as an oversight committee who will guide, evaluate, and approve the direction and completion of the Plan. This committee will recommend the final plan to the Planning Board, Select Board and residents for approval. The CPC will play an advisory role and act as liaison to the broader community. The individuals attending for interview as part of the RFP process should be the individuals who will undertake the project. The Town of Ogunquit will also: - Provide any and all existing documentation to the consultant as requested, within reasonable expectations and costs; - Assist with human and technical resources as needed to facilitate timely progress; - Provide and distribute minutes for all Comprehensive Plan Committee meetings; -Schedule, coordinate, make necessary arrangements for other Plan-related meetings. Project Budget The Town of Ogunquit expects this contract not to exceed $50,000 for the first year. Subsequent year needs and funding will be evaluated and extended as necessary. Project Schedule The consistency finding by the State of Maine for the plan adopted in 2012 expires at the end of 2023, but the Plan itself and its associated recommendations remain valid. It is expected the consultant will diligently pursue completion of the proposed update. Start Work: July 2022 The proposal shall include a sealed fee statement under separate cover for the work to be performed. The fee statement shall include a cost for each of the tasks to complete the work outlined in the Scope of Services and additional tasks the consultant feels are necessary to complete the work. The consultant team may modify, combine, or otherwise change the tasks in the Scope of Services as they see fit in order to meet the needs of the town. The consultant shall be paid on an hourly rate plus direct expenses with a "not to exceed" amount. The consultant shall break down the proposed labor cost for each phase or task by hours for each person involved in that phase or task. To this shall be added any direct cost and the overhead cost for that phase or task. The Town reserves the right to negotiate with the consultant to determine the amount of work and fees to be Included in the contract. The fee statement shall include a schedule of fees on an hourly basis for each of the key personnel and subcontractors, as well as a schedule of other basic costs, should additional services be necessary. The consultant should estimate the nature and cost of additional services deemed necessary to complete the project. If you are interested in being considered for this work and wish to discuss the work in more detail or have questions, you may contact Town Manager Matthew Buttrick at (207) 646-5139 or townmanager@ogunquit.gov The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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July 22, 2022


Multiple Locations, Ogunquit, ME

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